There is real effect named "nocebo effect", it is opposite to "placebo effect". If somebody who looks like "expert" for you, tell you that your cold will definitely develop to something awful, it could really develop to something awful.
There is another effect, see "Seattle windshield pitting epidemic". If somebody intentionally focus your attenton on some thing, that is so usual that nobody even mentioned it ever, you will began to find it everywhere.
Combining 1 & 2 using full force of MSM propaganda machine, you could easily get nearly ("nocebing" objective chicken-pox bumps is much harder than "nocebing" something more subjective like "loss of taste and smell" of "breathe shortness") any "pandemic" you want.
There is real effect named "nocebo effect", it is opposite to "placebo effect". If somebody who looks like "expert" for you, tell you that your cold will definitely develop to something awful, it could really develop to something awful.
There is another effect, see "Seattle windshield pitting epidemic". If somebody intentionally focus your attenton on some thing, that is so usual that nobody even mentioned it ever, you will began to find it everywhere.
Combining 1 & 2 using full force of MSM propaganda machine, you could easily get nearly ("nocebing" objective chicken-pox bumps is much harder than "nocebing" something more subjective like "loss of taste and smell" of "breathe shortness") any "pandemic" you want.