The idea of a Great Reset actually came from Pol Pot, 1975. If you read about the Khmer Rouge Genocide, you can even find a bunch of eerie similarities between it and the Covid "Anti-pandemic" mandates.
It doesn't make sense because they are most likely trying to slip a mass genocide under our radar. And I meant that type of event which would be so catastrophic and traumatizing that people or countries might not even be the same, assuming if they even get to the other side.
I assume there will be a time where UN investigators investigate Sydney or Auckland for crimes against humanity reports and found that 40% of households there were dead bodies -- just something I think would happen.
The idea of a Great Reset actually came from Pol Pot, 1975. If you read about the Khmer Rouge Genocide, you can even find a bunch of eerie similarities between it and the Covid "Anti-pandemic" mandates.
It doesn't make sense because they are most likely trying to slip a mass genocide under our radar. And I meant that type of event which would be so catastrophic and traumatizing that people or countries might not even be the same, assuming if they even get to the other side.
I assume there will be a time where UN investigators investigate Sydney or Auckland for crimes against humanity reports and found that 40% of households there were dead bodies -- just something I think would happen.
Run up to a mass genocide:
Injecting people with an experiment ✔
Brainwashing people with the idea of unvaccinated being the problem ✔
Encouraging social distancing, leading to people fearing others ✔
Using articles of clothing (masks required for unvaxxed) to identify those harming society ✔
This seems like a retarded strategy given there significantly less data showing lockdowns will impact climate vs rona
Nice try, but these lockdowns should prove to a rational person that humans are not solely responsible for climate change.
Highlight "a rational person"
The “climate lockdown” this guy is alluding to is replacing the boiler in your house with an eco-efficient boiler lol
That's not correct. He said that the mandatory boiler replacement was the only concrete proposal at