If words could define meaning; wouldn't nature use words to brand itself? What if the real form of communication isn't about suggesting meaning through words with each other; but resonance to how nature defines meaning?
How does so called "grass" distinguishes itself from its surroundings? Movement. What are our senses perceiving? Movement. What defines having choice (free will)? Balance within movement. What builds comprehension out of perceived movement? Adaption to inspiration by choice of reaction.
CEREBEL - "mental use of intellect over emotions". Let's take these apart...IN'TELLECT, noun (Latin intellectus, from intelligo, to understand) + EMO'TION, noun [Latin emotio; emoveo, to move from.]
Comprehension (understanding) is based on choice based reaction to perception (knowledge) aka reaction of form to flow; while to move from (emotion) represents the choice of ignorance (want) over adherence (need) to self sustenance as form within flow.
Form cannot move from flow; it's being moved by flow aka the momentum of motion; which represents the resistance of form to the velocity of flow. Falling for emotions represents the temptation to ignore resisting the velocity of flow; hence us needing to struggle to get out emotions under control.
In short...cerebral represents choice of ignorance and resulting corruption of comprehension; while image represents perception aka input to make choice upon and shape comprehension out of. Image (perception) comes before cerebral (comprehension) and choice (free will) operates in-between. Choose need over want and you resist cerebral images.
failure, experience.
Failure represents the consequences of choosing want over need; because FA'ILURE, noun - "cessation of supply" ignores ONE having access to ALL aka ONE is always supplied everything (perception); he simply lacks comprehension of how to utilize it. Usually we fail when wanting to claim a win first; which also evaluates failure; which causes us to want more winning; while exponentially not want more losing. This is why gamblers are addicted to losing; not to winning.
As form within flow you cannot fail; since you already won the highest value within ALL...being ONE who can temporarily evaluate ALL ongoing value.
EXPE'RIENCE, noun (Latin experientia, from experior, to try; ex and ant. perior; Gr. to attempt, whence pirate. Eng. to fare.The Latin periculum, Eng. peril, are from the same root. We see the root of these words is to go, to fare, to drive, urge or press, to strain or stretch forward)...aka being form within flow aka temporary choice to adhere or ignore self sustenance through adaption to ongoing movement.
If words could define meaning; wouldn't nature use words to brand itself? What if the real form of communication isn't about suggesting meaning through words with each other; but resonance to how nature defines meaning?
How does so called "grass" distinguishes itself from its surroundings? Movement. What are our senses perceiving? Movement. What defines having choice (free will)? Balance within movement. What builds comprehension out of perceived movement? Adaption to inspiration by choice of reaction.
To answer your questions. No, cerebral images, failure, experience.
CEREBEL - "mental use of intellect over emotions". Let's take these apart...IN'TELLECT, noun (Latin intellectus, from intelligo, to understand) + EMO'TION, noun [Latin emotio; emoveo, to move from.]
Comprehension (understanding) is based on choice based reaction to perception (knowledge) aka reaction of form to flow; while to move from (emotion) represents the choice of ignorance (want) over adherence (need) to self sustenance as form within flow.
Form cannot move from flow; it's being moved by flow aka the momentum of motion; which represents the resistance of form to the velocity of flow. Falling for emotions represents the temptation to ignore resisting the velocity of flow; hence us needing to struggle to get out emotions under control.
In short...cerebral represents choice of ignorance and resulting corruption of comprehension; while image represents perception aka input to make choice upon and shape comprehension out of. Image (perception) comes before cerebral (comprehension) and choice (free will) operates in-between. Choose need over want and you resist cerebral images.
Failure represents the consequences of choosing want over need; because FA'ILURE, noun - "cessation of supply" ignores ONE having access to ALL aka ONE is always supplied everything (perception); he simply lacks comprehension of how to utilize it. Usually we fail when wanting to claim a win first; which also evaluates failure; which causes us to want more winning; while exponentially not want more losing. This is why gamblers are addicted to losing; not to winning.
As form within flow you cannot fail; since you already won the highest value within ALL...being ONE who can temporarily evaluate ALL ongoing value.
EXPE'RIENCE, noun (Latin experientia, from experior, to try; ex and ant. perior; Gr. to attempt, whence pirate. Eng. to fare.The Latin periculum, Eng. peril, are from the same root. We see the root of these words is to go, to fare, to drive, urge or press, to strain or stretch forward)...aka being form within flow aka temporary choice to adhere or ignore self sustenance through adaption to ongoing movement.