Please note that they do this type of dance ritual occasionally whenever they pull of something, where they dance their hive-mind drone like dances emphasizing their collectivism and non existent individuality.
emphasizing their collectivism and non existent individuality.
As ONE within ALL we represent ALL in ONE as energy. They don't believe (collectiv-ism); they understand (comprehension) knowledge (perception). We are the ones being suggested to consent to believe in individual-ism.
Please note that they do this type of dance ritual occasionally whenever they pull of something, where they dance their hive-mind drone like dances emphasizing their collectivism and non existent individuality.
At the end of this other video for example you can see them dancing the "gilets jaunes" (yellow vests) dance:
As ONE within ALL we represent ALL in ONE as energy. They don't believe (collectiv-ism); they understand (comprehension) knowledge (perception). We are the ones being suggested to consent to believe in individual-ism.