a) inspiration is being communicated to perception by flow upon form aka ongoing loss communicating to temporary growth within.
b) in-between perception and comprehension operates free will of choice to process perceived inspiration into comprehended information; depending on choice made.
c) loss is "only" comprehensible; not perceptible, for as form we can only perceive the consequences of loss; not the flow causing it. "unimaginable loss" represents a suggested inversion.
Know aka knowledge represents perception aka input of inspiration. Imagine aka Imagination represents comprehension aka processed information.
a) inspiration is being communicated to perception by flow upon form aka ongoing loss communicating to temporary growth within.
b) in-between perception and comprehension operates free will of choice to process perceived inspiration into comprehended information; depending on choice made.
c) loss is "only" comprehensible; not perceptible, for as form we can only perceive the consequences of loss; not the flow causing it. "unimaginable loss" represents a suggested inversion.