posted ago by nc777 ago by nc777 +16 / -0

•Be Blockrock
•Tell the Fed to start printing money for the 'next downturn' in Autumn of 2019
•Fed lackies starts implementing plan
•Timely 'Pandemic' occurs for cover AFTER implementation starts.
•Market downturn conveniently occurs when the new printed money is ready to invested the market.
•Start buying tangible assets, homes, etc.also $6b for 17k homes
•Bonus slow burn inflation moves money away from plebs and get them into the system.

What are the next short-term moves?
•Dump the pump to skim the top ? -
•Blackrock can just print more money; loser plebs have to work to produce more.
•Make mid-tier commercial banks look like pricks to bypass them for the CBDC program.
•Sabatoge any cryptos w/ 'undesirable' features to central bankers (privacy, independence, transparency to plebs).