The latest Mysterious Universe (a recommended podcast) episode details the book that tells you how the Chinese spying, privacy raping police surveillance state works as of today. This includes not only face recognition, but:
- full location tracking
- reading all messages
- forced home installed 24/7 surveillance cams and mics
- Stasi style forced ratting on your neighbors, or you get punished
- surveillance cams and mics everywhere
- recording and voice analysing your speech for emotional cues
- banning of all ideological and religious symbols, except communist party
- social credit system based on all data
- all the above data fed to a multi layer AI ML network that tags suspicious people pre-crime style in advance
- All top posts only given to top level communist party Han tribe Chinese
- lockdowns for "your own good"
- Universal ID (vaxx passport anyone) that you need to do anything
- "Safe cities" to "fight terrorism"
- Brainwashing and re-education camps to break your identity and make you submit to the communist propaganda
- Tracking down, killing or bringing back those who have escaped from China to foreign countries
- Total control of media, what is allowed, with pre-scripted talking points and unified messaging
- Newspeak where "dangerous" words start to be removed both by the party and the self-censoring people
- Not only afraid, but totally unsure, confused and paranoid population
In short: East Germany Stasi style, KGB soviet style, Gestapo Nazi style and Orwell 1984 + Huxley Brave New World rolled into one.
In short, nothing new to those who have been following the situation in the past 20 years, but a good summary and a reminder that this 1.4 billion people controlling Open Conspiracy is NOT a theory anymore, but a living reality in some parts of China, where it has been rolled out in totality.
You can then go on and guess, how far your own country is among this continuum and whether mandatory masks, lockdowns, vaxx, vaxx passports and social media censorship is just a temporary blip or a milestone on the road to total tyranny....
The episode:
The book in question :
The Perfect Police State: An Undercover Odyssey into China's Terrifying Surveillance Dystopia of the Future
Thank you for posting this!