PCR Testing and the Genome Beast
I'm not so sure anymore the GT shots were the "endgame" here. They are profitable, and potentially mean more and more pseudo-vaccines will be created in the future. But to judge their effectiveness, they will always misuse PCR... not because it tells you anything, but because the "DNA" info gleaned from PCR they deem to be extremely valuable for eugenic research, genome gathering, gene fuckery in general (watch the video in the second link). For "curing the disease of Death" and controlling the future of human reproduction - they feel they need as many genomes as possible and even multiple from the same individual over time to track how they change.
The shots so far mostly do nothing, or they maim and/or kill you. Of course that may change come colder weather, but my (admittedly Friday-feeling optimistic) thought is this is simply the casual side effect of no particular intention of functionality or toxicity. Mostly an excuse to gather the "genomic info" they're after. Sterilisation could still also be a major part of the end-game, for certain shots or demographics, and more people are dying from these shots than from any other Vaccine... but maybe it wont be a cull.
Have a nice weekend.
Remember I talked about Cameras on the streets literally designed to "pick up Covid cases" before?
Yeah, how would that work? Total injustice?
Just randomly mark a few people on the streets as infected with Covid. Then, authorities will instantly catch that person and send them to a quarantine camp without any apparent reason. You can be detected even if you have 3 vaccine shots before and/or 90% of your body replaced by machines.