Have you ever considered that your country is another NWO experiment and the Independence war was a big theatre play?
Just like every other war for every nation including both WW's.
Have you ever considered that the NWO is taking back what has granted to you and just moving along to the next experiment just like it did before.
Yeah, national identity is a weird one. I would hang quite more on one's personal identity than perceived national identity.
As for Saturn, I've been around the block with that one. I was on PastSaturnsRings when Nick started that up on rebbit, and there is the thought that Saturn was once a star, in a locked alignment with Earth and a few other heavenly bodies. Supposedly bathed the Earth in purple light.
Some say that Sorath, the sun demon, is the real "black sun". Also apparently Sorath equals 666 in Hebrew gematria. Sorath supposedly wanted destruction of all humans or everything living or something like that. That would seem to be more inversion of the "Son" or Jesus or God than Saturn or Satan or Lucifer. However, as his wish would be rather loathe to actually occur, perhaps occultists direct their worship at something that doesn't want them dead (well, not openly).
I still think they miss the point of Saturn eating his own.