That is retarded. People like that assclot have no clue. They are dumb. If people gave up cosmetics, as in a woman's yearly make up and shampoos and perfumes and lotions etc, are worth an entire lifetime of eating meat. Your technology like an iphone, computer, TV, and tech gadgets emit far more than an entire lifetime of eating meat. Your travel emits far more than a lifetime of eating meat.
That idiot isn't helping the Planet. If we got rid of meat. This dumbass species full of faggots like that would simply exploit other emissions. Like Ewaste, travel, cosmetics etc.
The greenfag movement has nothing to do with being green, it is simply exploiting a mindset that is immune to logic. Logic which says cut here to go and create more stupid humans chatting shit. All humanity does today is chat shit. Until it is enslaved. Imagine a future where owning livestock is banned, and Bill Gates makes your food. That is the future that faggot is peddling, dystopia. Some other Corp making billions more off your ignorance. If food is suddenly labgrown and changes entirely to plant based how much more money is made. Trillions. Nothing to do with being greener. It simply automates farming providing exclusive distribution.
He is such a dumb faggot he presumes to tell somebody else what to eat. The greatest emissions are from hearing him speak.
That is retarded. People like that assclot have no clue. They are dumb. If people gave up cosmetics, as in a woman's yearly make up and shampoos and perfumes and lotions etc, are worth an entire lifetime of eating meat. Your technology like an iphone, computer, TV, and tech gadgets emit far more than an entire lifetime of eating meat. Your travel emits far more than a lifetime of eating meat.
That idiot isn't helping the Planet. If we got rid of meat. This dumbass species full of faggots like that would simply exploit other emissions. Like Ewaste, travel, cosmetics etc.
The greenfag movement has nothing to do with being green, it is simply exploiting a mindset that is immune to logic. Logic which says cut here to go and create more stupid humans chatting shit. All humanity does today is chat shit. Until it is enslaved. Imagine a future where owning livestock is banned, and Bill Gates makes your food. That is the future that faggot is peddling, dystopia. Some other Corp making billions more off your ignorance. If food is suddenly labgrown and changes entirely to plant based how much more money is made. Trillions. Nothing to do with being greener. It simply automates farming providing exclusive distribution.
He is such a dumb faggot he presumes to tell somebody else what to eat. The greatest emissions are from hearing him speak.
Woody Allen predicted this.