SCI'ENCE, noun [Latin scientia, from scio, to know.]. What if one perceives differences as inspiration for the sustenance of self; which in return builds ones comprehension of all perceived? If everything would be the same; what would inspire one to adhere to self sustenance?
The act of knowing (comprehension) represents choice based adaptation to perceived movement (inspiration). The act of consenting to believe in science; differences; being a scientist, represents consenting to a suggestion made by another one within all. Believing the suggestions (branded information) of the free will of others ignores the need for using ones one free will for adaptation to inspiration.
"I'm a scientist" translates to "I submit to learn what others teach; while ignoring the system that supplies the means to learn/teach aka the free will of choice over action as form within flow.
I came to a realization I was actually talking to a robot.
What if everything and everyone you perceive represents both inspiration to adapt to (need), and information to fall for (want), and your free will of choice is responsible for sustaining yourself within that balance?
What you perceive are the consequences of actions of form within flow; branding them (robot) ignores a) that they're constantly changing (hence the need for adaptation) and b) the inspiration to question what causes their behavior; thereby to learn/teach yourself through adaptation to inspiration.
a liberal waste of life
Liberal; from liber; free implies freedom aka "free" will of choice as form within the "dom"-inance of flow. Notice also that the parasites not only suggest left vs right; but liberal in the middle to mimic balance. Why? To deceive us to believe us that choosing balance (liberal) will not resolve the conflict (left vs right). Why? Because balance is defined by choice of action (through free will) and their suggested control over the many cannot work if free will of choice is used for balance.
cognitive differences
Individual comprehension (form) within collective perception (flow) aka limited potential (ONE) out of unlimited potentiality (ALL). What segregates them? Motion (flow) causing momentum (form).
eliminate a possibility
What if the possibilities offered are infinite, and our temporary existence as well as our choice based comprehension of what all perceived means, represents the finite within the infinite...the temporary form within the ongoing flow; the temporary chaos within the ongoing order; the magnetic resistance within the electric velocity; the potential within the potentiality; the ONE within ALL?
without proof
Without - as ONE within ALL; what are you without?
Proof - does nature offer false information? Can one (form) within constant change (flow) define a truth without ignoring change?
As far as I'm concerned differences in race don't immediately imply anything
Do any other lifeforms seem to have issues with identifying their own kin instinctively? Set the suggested narrative of race aside; which ( [Latin radix; radius; rod; ray; radiate] implies ONE radiating outwards within ALL; which implies self sustenance, which as form within flow implies that which remains of form within flow aka blood; within the shared bloodline.
Question what perceived differences imply for comprehension (inspiration) and afterwards what comprehended inspiration inspires one to act upon (self sustenance)? You reading and believing this does not represent you comprehending it. ONEs comprehension requires adaptation to ALL; while believing the suggestions of other ONEs corrupts ONEs comprehension, which in return causes the lack of self discernment over being ONE within ALL.
Miscegenation represents a suggested weapon to destroy differences needed as inspiration to sustain ONEself within ALL, and that self represents a shared identity (blood), and of course our parasites suggest the title defender of blood upon themselves (redshield aka rothschild); while running the monopoly on blood accumulation (International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement).
Do I send it to a concentration camp?
The allegory for this is "out of sight; out of mind" and what causes the ignorance towards inspiration needed to build comprehension (potential) is consent to believe suggested brands; which then allow you to "eliminate possibilities" aka out of sight; out of mind". Beliefs are domesticating us to maintain ignorance.
Healthcare is good example for this...the anti human parasites tricked us to consent to the false authority of "doctors", which established us as "patients"; while situating us under a chain of command controlled by those who offered the suggestions; those who gained the power to act in the name of what the majority consented to believe in.
They then corrupted healing the causes of illnesses with suggested pharmaceuticals (crude oil based) to deceive us to consent to numbing the symptoms of the illnesses with drugs (which we pay for); which allows the cause to further corrupt us; which causes exponential want for more drugs to numb symptoms (which we pay for). Meanwhile; the parasites disclose their intentions; while shirking the responsibility onto those who consent to self destruction...meticulous ingredient and side-effect lists provided; plus us paying for the poison that kills us, is how they use suggestion to deceive our free will of choice to commit the harm all upon ourselves.
Wars and concentration camps represents suggested narratives for those who ignore self sustenance, and who want to destroy themselves by following the suggestions of others (following the whistle of the pied piper aka falling for temptation).
You can then imagine my frustration as to why the liberals find these concepts so challenging. Why is it so hard to overcome.
When one consents to believe a suggestion; he perceives reality through the lens of the self inflicted belief. Any contradiction of his beliefs will be perceived as an attack towards his reality; which he will defend himself against.
Believing others represents ignoring self; which is why they use beliefs to justify that ignorance, and the parasites are suggesting them endless justifications to stay ignorant.
If you try to use suggestion to change another; he will believe you; while staying ignorant; which in return will corrupt you to become the parasite upon him. His ignorance will then inspire you to keep exploiting him with suggestions. The only thing that can change comprehension towards self sustenance and away from ignorance is ONEs own free will of choice; hence this massive communication problem among us (also languages and reason).
What each of us needs to do is adhering to self sustenance; which will increase our potential; which grows our attraction; which inspires those around us to be less ignorant. The parasites know all about this and are buffering loss/growth of comprehension by maintaining ignorance.
right vs wrong
That is called the conflict of reason (true vs false) and it is caused by consenting to believe/not believe a suggestion (true/false). Whatever side one chooses; one finds himself within a conflict. This represents division by suggestion, and talmudic reasoning was designed to maintain these conflicts of reason by suggesting contradictions to both sides (true vs false; believer vs non-believer).
The belief in truth (which ignores the change of flow) is what allows others to contradict it endlessly with lies, and the conflict between believers and non-believers of truth vs lies (reason) will keep them fighting among each other; while ignoring those who suggested the beliefs (all -isms); while ignoring self sustenance as form within flow, and reality itself for the believed fiction; hence lack of comprehension.
Flow to form represents life; form to flow represents death. Flow defines form moving from inception towards death; which makes the balance in-between the temporary life aka the response to flow aka the responsibility over choice of action (adaptation) as form.
In short...outcome (death) is predefined; which puts the value on the sustenance of life until death, which is why the parasites suggest us to consent to fear death, so that we ignore to sustain life. It's very simple and effective...suggest that which could be, and those who consented ignore to sustain that which is.
Every suggestion represents a genocide to all of us aka the temptation to ignore self sustenance aka falling for want over need.
He really believed that if X then Y.
Belief causes reason (true versus false); which contradicts implication (if/then). the talmud exploits the former (talmudic reasoning aka suggesting contradictions); while teaching the latter (implication over reason). Implication is in adherence to flow upon form aka the natural law "all actions have consequences within motion".
If he believes; then his implications are mute, because he acts in ignorance of flow, and in adherence to the free will of others. If he doesn't believe; then he's using suggestions and contradictions to get you into the conflict of reason, which then directs the consequences of your actions towards self destruction. Reason transmutes potential through ignorance into impotence. Those who act upon reason are harvested by the few for their ignorance, and all the wars; genocides; resets and mass extinction events (burned offerings aka holocausts) are designed to feed to ignorance back into flow. They're ritually farming mankind through suggestions.
He has these two conflicting peace's of programming that he cannot change so he has to always assert that X is false as that's the only variable he can change.
The parasites sell the conflict of reason a) through religions; who praise reason as the means to create order out of chaos, when form represents chaos out of order (flow), and b) through the suggestion of duality; which puts opposites against each other, when the momentum of motion is defined by the coexistence of natural opposites in balance with each other.
Motion (flow) represents the movement from beginning towards end; which puts all within it's momentum (form) in-between natural opposites; hence inception (beginning) towards death (end) causing life (balance) in-between.
Flow/form represents loss/recharge within energy aka the function of self causes motion (loss); motion causes energy (recharge). Flow equals loss of ALL potentiality; form equals the struggle of ONE potential to sustain itself aka recharge through the unity of potential.
SCI'ENCE, noun [Latin scientia, from scio, to know.]. What if one perceives differences as inspiration for the sustenance of self; which in return builds ones comprehension of all perceived? If everything would be the same; what would inspire one to adhere to self sustenance?
The act of knowing (comprehension) represents choice based adaptation to perceived movement (inspiration). The act of consenting to believe in science; differences; being a scientist, represents consenting to a suggestion made by another one within all. Believing the suggestions (branded information) of the free will of others ignores the need for using ones one free will for adaptation to inspiration.
"I'm a scientist" translates to "I submit to learn what others teach; while ignoring the system that supplies the means to learn/teach aka the free will of choice over action as form within flow.
What if everything and everyone you perceive represents both inspiration to adapt to (need), and information to fall for (want), and your free will of choice is responsible for sustaining yourself within that balance?
What you perceive are the consequences of actions of form within flow; branding them (robot) ignores a) that they're constantly changing (hence the need for adaptation) and b) the inspiration to question what causes their behavior; thereby to learn/teach yourself through adaptation to inspiration.
Individual comprehension (form) within collective perception (flow) aka limited potential (ONE) out of unlimited potentiality (ALL). What segregates them? Motion (flow) causing momentum (form).
What if the possibilities offered are infinite, and our temporary existence as well as our choice based comprehension of what all perceived means, represents the finite within the infinite...the temporary form within the ongoing flow; the temporary chaos within the ongoing order; the magnetic resistance within the electric velocity; the potential within the potentiality; the ONE within ALL?
Without - as ONE within ALL; what are you without?
Proof - does nature offer false information? Can one (form) within constant change (flow) define a truth without ignoring change?
Do any other lifeforms seem to have issues with identifying their own kin instinctively? Set the suggested narrative of race aside; which ( [Latin radix; radius; rod; ray; radiate] implies ONE radiating outwards within ALL; which implies self sustenance, which as form within flow implies that which remains of form within flow aka blood; within the shared bloodline.
Question what perceived differences imply for comprehension (inspiration) and afterwards what comprehended inspiration inspires one to act upon (self sustenance)? You reading and believing this does not represent you comprehending it. ONEs comprehension requires adaptation to ALL; while believing the suggestions of other ONEs corrupts ONEs comprehension, which in return causes the lack of self discernment over being ONE within ALL.
Miscegenation represents a suggested weapon to destroy differences needed as inspiration to sustain ONEself within ALL, and that self represents a shared identity (blood), and of course our parasites suggest the title defender of blood upon themselves (redshield aka rothschild); while running the monopoly on blood accumulation (International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement).
The allegory for this is "out of sight; out of mind" and what causes the ignorance towards inspiration needed to build comprehension (potential) is consent to believe suggested brands; which then allow you to "eliminate possibilities" aka out of sight; out of mind". Beliefs are domesticating us to maintain ignorance.
Healthcare is good example for this...the anti human parasites tricked us to consent to the false authority of "doctors", which established us as "patients"; while situating us under a chain of command controlled by those who offered the suggestions; those who gained the power to act in the name of what the majority consented to believe in.
They then corrupted healing the causes of illnesses with suggested pharmaceuticals (crude oil based) to deceive us to consent to numbing the symptoms of the illnesses with drugs (which we pay for); which allows the cause to further corrupt us; which causes exponential want for more drugs to numb symptoms (which we pay for). Meanwhile; the parasites disclose their intentions; while shirking the responsibility onto those who consent to self destruction...meticulous ingredient and side-effect lists provided; plus us paying for the poison that kills us, is how they use suggestion to deceive our free will of choice to commit the harm all upon ourselves.
Wars and concentration camps represents suggested narratives for those who ignore self sustenance, and who want to destroy themselves by following the suggestions of others (following the whistle of the pied piper aka falling for temptation).
When one consents to believe a suggestion; he perceives reality through the lens of the self inflicted belief. Any contradiction of his beliefs will be perceived as an attack towards his reality; which he will defend himself against.
Believing others represents ignoring self; which is why they use beliefs to justify that ignorance, and the parasites are suggesting them endless justifications to stay ignorant.
If you try to use suggestion to change another; he will believe you; while staying ignorant; which in return will corrupt you to become the parasite upon him. His ignorance will then inspire you to keep exploiting him with suggestions. The only thing that can change comprehension towards self sustenance and away from ignorance is ONEs own free will of choice; hence this massive communication problem among us (also languages and reason).
What each of us needs to do is adhering to self sustenance; which will increase our potential; which grows our attraction; which inspires those around us to be less ignorant. The parasites know all about this and are buffering loss/growth of comprehension by maintaining ignorance.
That is called the conflict of reason (true vs false) and it is caused by consenting to believe/not believe a suggestion (true/false). Whatever side one chooses; one finds himself within a conflict. This represents division by suggestion, and talmudic reasoning was designed to maintain these conflicts of reason by suggesting contradictions to both sides (true vs false; believer vs non-believer).
The belief in truth (which ignores the change of flow) is what allows others to contradict it endlessly with lies, and the conflict between believers and non-believers of truth vs lies (reason) will keep them fighting among each other; while ignoring those who suggested the beliefs (all -isms); while ignoring self sustenance as form within flow, and reality itself for the believed fiction; hence lack of comprehension.
Flow to form represents life; form to flow represents death. Flow defines form moving from inception towards death; which makes the balance in-between the temporary life aka the response to flow aka the responsibility over choice of action (adaptation) as form.
In short...outcome (death) is predefined; which puts the value on the sustenance of life until death, which is why the parasites suggest us to consent to fear death, so that we ignore to sustain life. It's very simple and effective...suggest that which could be, and those who consented ignore to sustain that which is.
Every suggestion represents a genocide to all of us aka the temptation to ignore self sustenance aka falling for want over need.
Belief causes reason (true versus false); which contradicts implication (if/then). the talmud exploits the former (talmudic reasoning aka suggesting contradictions); while teaching the latter (implication over reason). Implication is in adherence to flow upon form aka the natural law "all actions have consequences within motion".
If he believes; then his implications are mute, because he acts in ignorance of flow, and in adherence to the free will of others. If he doesn't believe; then he's using suggestions and contradictions to get you into the conflict of reason, which then directs the consequences of your actions towards self destruction. Reason transmutes potential through ignorance into impotence. Those who act upon reason are harvested by the few for their ignorance, and all the wars; genocides; resets and mass extinction events (burned offerings aka holocausts) are designed to feed to ignorance back into flow. They're ritually farming mankind through suggestions.
The parasites sell the conflict of reason a) through religions; who praise reason as the means to create order out of chaos, when form represents chaos out of order (flow), and b) through the suggestion of duality; which puts opposites against each other, when the momentum of motion is defined by the coexistence of natural opposites in balance with each other.
Motion (flow) represents the movement from beginning towards end; which puts all within it's momentum (form) in-between natural opposites; hence inception (beginning) towards death (end) causing life (balance) in-between.
Flow/form represents loss/recharge within energy aka the function of self causes motion (loss); motion causes energy (recharge). Flow equals loss of ALL potentiality; form equals the struggle of ONE potential to sustain itself aka recharge through the unity of potential.