EMO'TION, noun [Latin emotio; emoveo, to move from.] As form within flow "to move from" represents the choice to ignore being moved. They utilize suggestion to cause ignorance.
I finally took the black pill
Offer (pill); consent (free will)
And on and on.
In adherence to flow; while suggesting us to want to hold onto form (just make it stop). What they do deliberately inspires (tempts) ignorance.
Once you are afraid, you can be played.
Fear is defined by death (outcome of form within flow); which represents ignorance of life (self sustenance of form within flow). To ignore implies ignoring reality; which implies ignoring for...fiction; suggested by them (beliefs; -isms). That's the game they deceived us to consent to.
They convinced us we needed...
They utilized suggested need to deceive us to consent to what we want; thereby consenting to ignore need.
But then they play both sides, right?
They suggest; we consent by believing/not believing it; which causes the conflict of reason (truth versus false). That conflict represents the two sides controlled by those who suggested the belief. Reason represents division by suggestion. There's no true/false conflict within flow...it's need/want aka adherence to self sustenance or the ignorance thereof aka balance by choice of action (free will).
when they gave up their critical thinking skills
Ignorance (want) causes lack of comprehension; while adherence (need) builds comprehension aka ONEs potential within ALL.
plan their next moves.
They adhere to that which moves (flow); while using suggestion to flush ignorant form away with it. They harvest unused (ignored) potential.
EMO'TION, noun [Latin emotio; emoveo, to move from.] As form within flow "to move from" represents the choice to ignore being moved. They utilize suggestion to cause ignorance.
Offer (pill); consent (free will)
In adherence to flow; while suggesting us to want to hold onto form (just make it stop). What they do deliberately inspires (tempts) ignorance.
Fear is defined by death (outcome of form within flow); which represents ignorance of life (self sustenance of form within flow). To ignore implies ignoring reality; which implies ignoring for...fiction; suggested by them (beliefs; -isms). That's the game they deceived us to consent to.
They utilized suggested need to deceive us to consent to what we want; thereby consenting to ignore need.
They suggest; we consent by believing/not believing it; which causes the conflict of reason (truth versus false). That conflict represents the two sides controlled by those who suggested the belief. Reason represents division by suggestion. There's no true/false conflict within flow...it's need/want aka adherence to self sustenance or the ignorance thereof aka balance by choice of action (free will).
Ignorance (want) causes lack of comprehension; while adherence (need) builds comprehension aka ONEs potential within ALL.
They adhere to that which moves (flow); while using suggestion to flush ignorant form away with it. They harvest unused (ignored) potential.