No, I'm super facts only. As I said, you flat earthers believe Jews or some magical cabal control a tiny sun spinning above us, can never explain solar eclipses, photoshop images from space, can't explain why ships disappear over the horizon, or why you can't see the bottom of a building but can only see the top when it's miles away. You guys on the other hand can not provide one fact of a flat earth. Not one. Zero. Zilch. So Oldman, put your facts out there, if you are so right, I dare you to tell me just ONE undeniable fact that supports flat earth. But you won't because deep down inside, you know you are wrong.
Obviously, you are lying because you took the time to respond. If you don't care be a good little moron and STFU -fucking flat earthers are so pathetic. Just a little child who didn't get past grade 10.
Hes Super Round Earther. Hes got a real hard on for flat earth. Only time he speaks.
No, I'm super facts only. As I said, you flat earthers believe Jews or some magical cabal control a tiny sun spinning above us, can never explain solar eclipses, photoshop images from space, can't explain why ships disappear over the horizon, or why you can't see the bottom of a building but can only see the top when it's miles away. You guys on the other hand can not provide one fact of a flat earth. Not one. Zero. Zilch. So Oldman, put your facts out there, if you are so right, I dare you to tell me just ONE undeniable fact that supports flat earth. But you won't because deep down inside, you know you are wrong.
This oldman says the day I care what you think is the day I chew my foot off.
Obviously, you are lying because you took the time to respond. If you don't care be a good little moron and STFU -fucking flat earthers are so pathetic. Just a little child who didn't get past grade 10.
How about no, pencil dick. The earth is round! The earth is round! You are fun to fuck with!