True. Pretty much every trip you plan you must plan as if you may not return because you may be unable.
I remember when the left went insane because Americans were finally being allowed to come back to America. If they keep inventing deadlier variant stories, they will keep anyone stuck in another country or state there and this will happen all over the world because they took over every major government.
The problem is the vaccine creates the variant as its spike protein sheds. Or as the vaccine becomes infected with COVID, it mutates. Please explain the variants surfacing in vaccination. Ridiculously. Sure they'll lie but look at it. The virus had a much better chance of anti bodies from natural immunology. Now it's mutating through vaccination.
No other story. The UK is otherwise vaccinated by 2/3s or much more of its adult populations, but now its cases are climbing higher and higher. These are a lot of vaccinated people with the new variants.
Sure there is a story of the dystopia used by greedy corps, until they have fucked up. What is the narrative. Come on more vaccination. But why is there the variants. Why are vaccinated being admitted into hospital with the disease. Why are they testing positive.
Either way shit don't fly. Flight gets grounded. Laughably more lockdown and more restrictions.
Meanwhile as they race into the third world with vaccination, pandora's box continues to plague much more. We sooner need trillions more doses? Although what did they provide except more variants. Stupidly
True. Pretty much every trip you plan you must plan as if you may not return because you may be unable.
I remember when the left went insane because Americans were finally being allowed to come back to America. If they keep inventing deadlier variant stories, they will keep anyone stuck in another country or state there and this will happen all over the world because they took over every major government.
The problem is the vaccine creates the variant as its spike protein sheds. Or as the vaccine becomes infected with COVID, it mutates. Please explain the variants surfacing in vaccination. Ridiculously. Sure they'll lie but look at it. The virus had a much better chance of anti bodies from natural immunology. Now it's mutating through vaccination.
No other story. The UK is otherwise vaccinated by 2/3s or much more of its adult populations, but now its cases are climbing higher and higher. These are a lot of vaccinated people with the new variants.
Sure there is a story of the dystopia used by greedy corps, until they have fucked up. What is the narrative. Come on more vaccination. But why is there the variants. Why are vaccinated being admitted into hospital with the disease. Why are they testing positive.
Either way shit don't fly. Flight gets grounded. Laughably more lockdown and more restrictions.
Meanwhile as they race into the third world with vaccination, pandora's box continues to plague much more. We sooner need trillions more doses? Although what did they provide except more variants. Stupidly