Within fiction...RE'SET, noun - "In Scots law, the receiving and harboring of an outlaw or a criminal". Outlaw (out of natural law) represents ignorance (of natural law), and Crime (to separate) represents flow to form.
Within reality...ongoing flow sets temporary form into itself, which implies flow to form to flow aka inception to life to death.
Our (mass choice) of ignorance towards flow; allows others to mimic flow by constantly resetting form. They racketeer mass ignorance through suggestion; they transmute comprehension of perceived reality through suggestion of fiction. They build fiction within our minds through suggestion, and once we consented to believe the suggestion; we utilize our bodies to set fiction (ignorance of flow) into reality (form within flow).
Within fiction...RE'SET, noun - "In Scots law, the receiving and harboring of an outlaw or a criminal". Outlaw (out of natural law) represents ignorance (of natural law), and Crime (to separate) represents flow to form.
Within reality...ongoing flow sets temporary form into itself, which implies flow to form to flow aka inception to life to death.
Our (mass choice) of ignorance towards flow; allows others to mimic flow by constantly resetting form. They racketeer mass ignorance through suggestion; they transmute comprehension of perceived reality through suggestion of fiction. They build fiction within our minds through suggestion, and once we consented to believe the suggestion; we utilize our bodies to set fiction (ignorance of flow) into reality (form within flow).