posted ago by Mrexreturns ago by Mrexreturns +11 / -0

This post is made on the r conspiracy Reddit last November with the title: "The death knell has been written on the wall. You have been warned."

I know death knells aren't "written", so it's more like: "Your fate has been written on the wall and it's "Absolute, existential death". You have been warned."

Vaccines will NOT mean the end of the pandemic https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/covid-19-vaccine-will-not-mean-end-of-the-pandemic-expert-warns/ar-BB1aQDGm?MSCC=1603304103

The writing has been written on the wall that the lockdowns, mask mandates and social distancing will persist semi-eternally for 30+ years.

"We are all in this together, but we make you die to hysteria and insanity induced cannibalism, suicides and mass murders while we watch and laugh at you."

They have full intent to make infinite goalposts with this perpetual crisis until the civilized mankind degrades into an animal that eats its own, with 98% support rate by "the people" as it drives them into economic destruction, poverty, insanity and finally mass self-termination.

Do not encourage this, or we will all be soaked in blood and carnage.