You used your free will of choice aka your sole authority over self; to consent to the those who used their free will of choice to suggest "Jesus Christ" to you. They acted in the name of what you the name of (in nomine) patris et filii et spiritus sancti.
You did not consent by free will of choice to Jesus Christ or any other suggested belief; you consented to the free will of another, who through this consent gains the power to act in the name of whatever he gets you to believe.
This is called control through suggestion.
start reading the holy Bible
Once you ignore your sole authority over self (free will) for the false authority under another (their free will); you operate under the will of another; which puts you into a chain of command, which you then perpetuate for them by acting in the name of (Holy Bible) to suggest others to also submit their free will to the chain of command and the "unquestionable" authority up top (deity).
In English language
Aka Pig-Latin; a designed slave language; robbed of all natural connotations, and filled to the brim with rhetorical inversion to corrupt human comprehension about a reality that doesn't use words to communicate. it turns out that nature doesn't actually use words; brands; idols to communicate itself to our senses, but inspiration through motion instead.
Flow communicates information as inspiration to form within, so that form can can adhere to self sustenance within flow. And what does a belief represent? Mental stagnation in ignorance of a motion that demands physical adaptation.
pure word of God
Suggested to you "in the name of" by others; who you consent to; while ignoring your own free will of choice; which just happens to represent the highest value in all existence...ones evaluation of all.
before the Catholic Church got their hands on it and started changing it.
What does blaming others protect? Ignorance of self. Notice also how you blame institutions, yet ignore that the power to build them originates in the many that consented to the false authority of the few, and guess what those few suggested to get the many to "believe" them?
What are the implications of using beliefs to justify ignorance? Could this let to self corruption of comprehension?
Responding to me represents use of your free will of choice. It's not something you own; it's a function needed for balance within motion. You cannot give free will away; only choose to ignore it.
Form represents a response to flow; which is why adherence to self sustenance within flow (by choice of action) represents a responsibility...that you choose to ignore, when consenting to the suggestions of others.
Free implies free/dominance aka coexistence of form within flow.
the one
You represent ONE (form) within ALL (flow), and ALL is ONE in energy.
Nature doesn't offer false, yet you believe in true, which causes the conflict of reason (truth vs false). Your beliefs are suggested to you (control by suggestion) and no matter which side you choose (truth/false); contradictions will be suggested to both sides to keep the conflict of reason (division) going.
I am his loyal servant
LOY'AL, adjective [Latin lex, law.] - flow defines the law for the form within.
SERV'ANT, [L. servant, from servo, to keep or hold; properly one that waits, that is, stops, holds, attends, or one that is bound.] - form cannot stop flow; it can only ignore flow. Others are feeding you into that flow by getting you to consent to the ignorance thereof.
"to confirm" consent by free will of choice over and over again. Form doesn't confirm flow; it needs to confirm self within flow.
You used your free will of choice aka your sole authority over self; to consent to the those who used their free will of choice to suggest "Jesus Christ" to you. They acted in the name of what you the name of (in nomine) patris et filii et spiritus sancti.
You did not consent by free will of choice to Jesus Christ or any other suggested belief; you consented to the free will of another, who through this consent gains the power to act in the name of whatever he gets you to believe.
This is called control through suggestion.
Once you ignore your sole authority over self (free will) for the false authority under another (their free will); you operate under the will of another; which puts you into a chain of command, which you then perpetuate for them by acting in the name of (Holy Bible) to suggest others to also submit their free will to the chain of command and the "unquestionable" authority up top (deity).
Aka Pig-Latin; a designed slave language; robbed of all natural connotations, and filled to the brim with rhetorical inversion to corrupt human comprehension about a reality that doesn't use words to communicate. it turns out that nature doesn't actually use words; brands; idols to communicate itself to our senses, but inspiration through motion instead.
Flow communicates information as inspiration to form within, so that form can can adhere to self sustenance within flow. And what does a belief represent? Mental stagnation in ignorance of a motion that demands physical adaptation.
Suggested to you "in the name of" by others; who you consent to; while ignoring your own free will of choice; which just happens to represent the highest value in all existence...ones evaluation of all.
What does blaming others protect? Ignorance of self. Notice also how you blame institutions, yet ignore that the power to build them originates in the many that consented to the false authority of the few, and guess what those few suggested to get the many to "believe" them?
What are the implications of using beliefs to justify ignorance? Could this let to self corruption of comprehension?
I give my will to Jesus Christ, the one true living God, freely. He can do with me as he pleases, I am his loyal servant, now and forever, amen.
Responding to me represents use of your free will of choice. It's not something you own; it's a function needed for balance within motion. You cannot give free will away; only choose to ignore it.
Form represents a response to flow; which is why adherence to self sustenance within flow (by choice of action) represents a responsibility...that you choose to ignore, when consenting to the suggestions of others.
Free implies free/dominance aka coexistence of form within flow.
You represent ONE (form) within ALL (flow), and ALL is ONE in energy.
Nature doesn't offer false, yet you believe in true, which causes the conflict of reason (truth vs false). Your beliefs are suggested to you (control by suggestion) and no matter which side you choose (truth/false); contradictions will be suggested to both sides to keep the conflict of reason (division) going.
LOY'AL, adjective [Latin lex, law.] - flow defines the law for the form within.
SERV'ANT, [L. servant, from servo, to keep or hold; properly one that waits, that is, stops, holds, attends, or one that is bound.] - form cannot stop flow; it can only ignore flow. Others are feeding you into that flow by getting you to consent to the ignorance thereof.
"to confirm" consent by free will of choice over and over again. Form doesn't confirm flow; it needs to confirm self within flow.
Yeah you have nothing to offer. I pray you will find Jesus. Nice talking with you.
ALL already is offered; yet ONE "wants" more...that's called falling for a temptation by choice of action.