posted ago by clemaneuverers ago by clemaneuverers +18 / -1

'The Causes of The Corona Crisis Clearly Identified. Virologists who Claim Existence of Disease-Causing Viruses are Science Fraudsters and Must be Prosecuted

– by Dr. Stefan Lanka (former virologist)

Excerpt from Source

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Short, clear and easily comprehensible explanation of the claims of all viruses that cause illness

Error and self-deception are human, comprehensible and excusable. What is not excusable are the constant claims of virologists that their statements and their actions are scientific. That is clearly wrong, easily provable and comprehensible for everyone. Therefore the virologists who claim corona viruses or other pathogenic viruses are to be called employment fraudsters and prosecuted by legal means so that they retract their false, disproved and dangerous statements.

Thus, the Corona crisis and other "viral" disasters with resulting deadly consequences such as "AIDS", "Ebola" and other unfounded "viral" pandemics can and will not only be stopped and prevented in the future, but turned into an opportunity for all.

The definition of what can be called a scientific statement and the resulting obligations are clearly defined.


A – Every scientific statement must be verifiable, comprehensible and refutable.

B – Only if the refutation of a scientific statement by laws of thought, logic and, if applicable, by control experiments has not succeeded, a statement may be called scientific.

C – Every scientist is obliged to check and question his statements himself.

Because virologists have never done this themselves and for understandable reasons are reluctant to do so - who wants to refute themselves, who wants to refute their actions, who wants to refute their own reputation? - so we do this publicly with seven arguments.

Every single argument alone is sufficient to refute the existence claims of all "pathogenic viruses" and this is what virologists of this discipline do (except for researchers who deal with the existing "phages" and "giant viruses"). In the following points the word "virus" is used instead of the word combination "pathogenic virus".

1. The fact of Alignment

Virologists have never isolated a complete genetic strand of a virus and displayed it directly, in its entire length. They always use very short pieces of nucleic acids, whose sequence consists of four molecules to determine them and call them sequences. From a multitude of millions of such specific, very short sequences, virologists mentally assemble a fictitious long genome strand with the help of complex computational and statistical methods. This process is called alignment.

The result of this complex alignment, the fictitious and very long genetic strand, is presented by virologists as the core of a virus and they claim to have thus proven the existence of a virus. However, such a complete strand never appears in reality and in scientific literature as a whole, although the simplest standard techniques have long been available to determine the length and composition of nucleic acids simply and directly. By the fact of the alignment, instead of presenting a nucleic acid of the appropriate length directly, the virologists have disproved themselves.

2. The fact of the lack of control experiments for alignment

Virologists have never performed and documented an alignment using equally short nucleic acids from control experiments. To do this, they MUST isolate the short nucleic acids from the exact same cell culture procedure, with the difference that the suspected "infection" does not occur by adding supposedly "infected" samples, but with sterile materials or sterilized samples that have been "control-infected".

These logical and mandatory control experiments have never been performed and documented. The virologists alone have thus proven that their statements have no scientific value and must NOT be passed off as scientific statements.

3. Alignment is only done by means of mental constructs

In order to be able to mentally/computationally assemble the very short sequences of the nucleic acids used into a long genome, the virologists need a template to align the short sequences into a very long, supposedly viral genome strand. Without such a given, very long sequence, it is not possible for a virologist to construct a viral genome theoretically/computationally.

Virologists argue that the constructed genome is from a virus because the alignment was done with another, given viral genome. This argument of the virologists is briefly and unambiguously refuted by the fact that all templates with which new genetic material strands were generated theoretically/computationally were themselves and finally generated theoretically/computationally and do not originate from a virus.

4. Viruses have never been seen in a human/animal/plant or in liquids thereof

Virologists claim that infectious, i.e. intact viruses are supposed to be present in large numbers in blood and saliva. That is why, for example, in the Corona crisis, all people wear a mask. To date, however, not a single virus has been photographed in saliva, blood or other places in human/animal/plant or fluids, although electron microscopic imaging is now an easy and routine standard technique.

This unambiguous and easily verifiable fact alone, that there are no images of viruses in human/animal/plant or liquids from it, disproves all virus allegations. Something that has never been seen in human/animal/plant or liquids from it must not be given as a scientifically proven fact

5. The composition of the structures that are claimed to be viruses has never been biochemically characterized

There are two different techniques that virologists use to create photos of alleged viruses. For transmission electron microscopy, they use cell cultures which they embed in synthetic resin, scrape into thin layers and look through. Particles that they show in such images have never been isolated and their composition has never been biochemically determined. After all, all proteins and the long genome strand that is attributed to the viruses would have to be found. Neither that, nor the isolation of such embedded particles and the biochemical characterization of their composition appear in a single publication by virologists. This refutes the virologists' claim that such recordings are viruses.

The other method used by virologists to photograph viruses under the electron microscope is the simple and fast observation electron microscopy known as negative staining. In order to concentrate actually existing structures, such as "phages" and "giant viruses", and to separate them from all other components, which is then called "isolation", a standard technique is used, the density-gradient centrifugation. The visibility of presence, appearance and purity of these isolated structures in the electron microscope is achieved by coating these particles with a metal-containing substance and making the underlying structures appear as shadows in the electron beam. The other part of the isolated particles, which were made visible by "negative staining", is biochemically characterized. In the case of all phages and giant viruses, the nucleic acids are always found to be intact, always the same, always very long and composed in the same way and the results of the biochemical characterization are documented.

In the case of all viruses, which are issued as viruses by means of this technique, the "negative staining", the following has been done: These particles are not enriched, purified and isolated by the density-gradient centrifugation provided for this purpose, but sedimented by simple centrifugation on the bottom of the centrifuge tube, which is called "pelleting" and then observed under the electron microscope. The composition of such structures, which are presented as viruses, has never been determined biochemically until today (late November,2020). With this easily verifiable and comprehensible statement based on all publications of virologists, in which structures are identified as viruses by means of the electron microscope, the virologists have also disproved this argument of the existence of viruses in a simple and elegant way - without noticing it.

6. Electron microscopic images, which are output as viruses, are known typical artifacts or cell-specific structures

Virologists publish a large number of electron microscopic images of structures that they pass off as viruses. They do not mention the fact that ALL of these images are typical structures of dying cell cultures or are laboratory-produced protein-fat soap bubbles and have never been photographed in human/animal/plant or liquids from them.

Researchers other than virologists refer to the same structures that virologists present as viruses as either typical cell components such as villi (amoeba-like protuberances with which cells cling to the surface and move around), exosomes or "virus-like particles". This is a further, independent proof that the virologists' statements that viruses can be seen under the electron microscope have been scientifically disproved.

7. The animal experiments of the virologists refute the virus existence assertions

Virologists carry out animal experiments to prove that the substances they work with are viruses and can cause diseases. It is clear from every single publication in which such animal experiments have been conducted that the way the animals are treated produces exactly the symptoms that are claimed to be caused by the virus. In each of these publications, it is clear that no control experiments have been performed where the animals would have been treated in the same way with sterilized starting material.

These two openly stated facts refute the virologists who claim that they detected the presence and effect of viruses in animal experiments.

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As something of a justification for what Lanka writes above, the following passage describes testimony from the expert witness in Lanka's "measles competition" trial.

(Background: Lanka offered €100,000 to anyone who could provide him with peer-reviewed papers that proved the existence of the measles virus. A young dutch doctor gave him six papers and Lanka said they were not proof and refused to pay. The dutch doctor sued Lanka and won. Lanka appealed that ruling though, and won on appeal. That judgement was later upheld in the German high court.)

According to the minutes of the court proceedings (page 7/ first paragraph), Andreas Podbielski, head of the Department of Medical Microbiology, Virology and Hygiene at the University Hospital in Rostock, who was one of the appointed experts at the trial, stated that even though the existence of the measles virus could be concluded from the summary of the six papers submitted by Dr. Bardens, none of the authors had conducted any controlled experiments in accordance with internationally defined rules and principles of good scientific practice (see also the method of “indirect evidence”).

Professor Podbielski considers this lack of control experiments explicitly as a “methodological weakness” of these publications, which are after all the relevant studies on the subject (there are no other publications trying to attempt to prove the existence of the “measles virus”).

Thus, at this point, a publication about the existence of the measles virus that stands the test of good science has yet to be delivered.

Furthermore, at the trial it was noted that contrary to its legal remit as per § 4 Infection Protection Act (IfSG) the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the highest German authority in the field of infectious diseases, has failed to perform tests for the alleged measles virus and to publish these. The RKI claims that it made internal studies on the measles virus, however, refuses to hand over or publish the results.
