posted ago by Mrexreturns ago by Mrexreturns +8 / -2
  • Vaccines are a goalpost that are confirmed to NOT work, Masks and Social Distancing continue per "Mutant Covid New Normal Outbreaks"
  • Communist Revolution destroys America, followed by the second Civil War, a "Luciferian" Dictatorship, World War III and the UN Occupation of America
  • Pandemic state is retained from 2030 - when humanity evolves, with all of the mask and social distancing mandates held in place
  • Surveillance cameras are everywhere randomly marking people for "Covid invections"
  • Disagreeing with certain topics like Holocaust, Covid and the Great BLM Revolution of America are bound to death sentence
  • If you believe in stuff like Jesus Christ or Allah you will be killed.
  • Lockdowns occur once every 2 months, your government will promise 2 weeks but it will be extended to 140 days.
  • All mass gathering events (such as parades or in-person concerts) are eliminated for being unsuitable for the new normal
  • Nobody is unemployed because if you used to work in something like a small business or are completely unemployed and distraught, the Civilian Conduct Patrol (aka roving machete killer cannibals) will hire everyone, whose personnel are on par with the Kamwina Nsapu of Congo or the Red Guards of China
  • 99% of man becomes infused with machines to prevent Covid and still gets infected with Covid anyway. The Machines are microchipped and can read minds, allowing them to kill or disable anyone who thinks "odd things"
  • 99% of humanity vaccinated to "no effect"
  • Schools are replaced with virtual schools whose non-attendance without reason are subject to death
  • Inhumanity becomes commonplace and all democratic norms are outright pulverized over a cough.
  • The Great Reset: Elite fakes death and since people are fed up being locked down, they simply break down and kill each other. Cities become sloshed with blood and were rendered unfunctionable, might makes right, all morals obsolete. After only 4M "apex predators" are left (Mask and SD based cull), the elite becomes virtual gods living on as clones while governing over "Beautiful Ones" GMO Supersoldiers.

This is your fate and everything is running its course completely unopposed

Why you wonder? Everyone tried.

They didn't and they will no longer have the chance to.

A decentralized opposition consisting of nothing but talking heads amounts to nothing but a group of ready made and loosely organized enablers.

If you do not learn the lesson of the Cossacks , Whites and Ukrainians who fought Stalin, you are doomed to repeat it.

And the fact is that Social Distancing makes sure that people will no longer unite and the damage appears to be too far in the blood for any sort of cure. At a certain threshold (Which we might had been right in) the only cure is death by suicide, FEMA Camps or cannibalism.