I know Icke talks about the moon being artificial and there are many "indigenous populations" who have oral traditions about a time when the moon wasn't here.
I've got the book "Who made the moon" and it has some info but is really just saying stuff doesn't make sense and is literally just asking the question.
Anyone got any compilations or links or great info about the moon being hollow, being a space ship, being a manufactured satellite, so on and so forth, something that was brought here and parked in place?
No need to post FE stuff that's easy to find and not what I'm looking for.
ARTIFI'CIAL, adjective - "in opposition to natural". ALL represents energy in motion; the choice of ignorance thereof from the ONEs within is what "artificial" represents.
NATURE, noun [Latin from nature born, produced]. The momentum caused by energy in motion represents all the ONEs set into ALL motion...the produced nature.
In short...nature represents form within flow; artificial represents form within flow ignoring flow.