Nature doesn't express itself through words; it doesn't brand information; it instead communicates inspiration to our senses through motion. I'm well aware of the corruption that languages represent to real communication; and how others use it to exploit us through suggestion to trick us to ignore nature; which is why I break all their suggested inversions down; which prevents the ignorance of the majority to use it to hide behind.
Breaking language down to natural connotations confronts ignorance to acknowledge simplicity underneath complexity, and more importantly the choice of ignorance thereof.
As for unique (the only one)...that's yet another rhetorical inversion. We are within motion (inception towards death), which makes each of us ONE within ALL aka ONE potential within ALL potentiality of energy in motion...ALL in ONE aka 'alone' (an allegory for ALL in ONE for those with eyes to see).
Unique; suggested under the umbrella of individualism, aims to corrupt our comprehension of coexistence by tricking us to consent to ignore it.
Do you have anything online
I'm not on-line, I'm within motion...ONE within ALL aka ONE vessel within ALL flow. I don't offer information; I adapt to what inspires me (inspiration offered by ALL through motion). Try to utilize the same (adaptation to inspiration), while resisting your wants for information, and you will quickly learn that you can get exponentially more out of me then you need to put in.
ONEs consciousness transmutes ALL perceived inspiration into ONEs comprehended information. This process operates within ONEself by communicating with ALL...not by consenting to believe the information suggested by other ONEs. You need to builds comprehension by yourself through adaptation (within motion) to inspiration. Believing anything I write restricts ONE from comprehending ALL; which is why I point it out over and over again.
about yourself
ONEself...ONE represents the temporary ONE within the ongoing ALL; the form within the flow. The self represents that which remains within flow; that which is being sustained by the choices of ONEs actions within form sustained by flow...the blood (liquid) within the shared bloodline...the shared identity of ONEself.
You represent the accumulation of that which was; the maintenance tool for that which is, and the choice of action for all the consequences coming out of it... and you are doing this for the sustenance of self (blood/liquid).
Flow (motion) causes form (momentum) through the communication between velocity (motion) and resistance (momentum) causing friction; vibration; resonance etc. and also heat and through it the need for (liquid) cooling for self sustenance of ALL (energy in motion).
I find you an enigma.
ALL does not withhold information; ONE lacks comprehension about what ALL perceived means. Motion segregates ALL potentiality into individual ONE potential, and motion communicates the source of ALL information (energy) as inspiration to the ONEs within, which when chosen (by free will of choice) to adhere to, is what's building ONEs comprehension. Consent to offer represents transmutation out of base if directed at base ALL and not from the suggestions of other ONEs.
All the ONEs within motion represents inspiration to each other; yet also the temptation (through the pull of motion) to hold onto them; to claim ownership over them; to submit; believe; have faith; consent to them, while ignoring adaptation to ALL.
What you read here is either inspiration (need) or information (want)...your choice. Also, resist reason (conflict between truth versus false) and utilize implication (if/then) instead, which is in adherence to motion; while reason is in ignorance thereof.
Comprehension needs to be build by adaptation to inspiration. It cannot be build by believing suggested information. Resist to believe/not believe what I wrote; and try to go all out at whatever inspires you; which is called adaptation and will lead to growth of comprehension; while believe/not believe causes loss.
The entire burial industry is designed to prevent the generating process of life through the decay of death. Flow fertilizes form.
Nature doesn't express itself through words; it doesn't brand information; it instead communicates inspiration to our senses through motion. I'm well aware of the corruption that languages represent to real communication; and how others use it to exploit us through suggestion to trick us to ignore nature; which is why I break all their suggested inversions down; which prevents the ignorance of the majority to use it to hide behind.
Breaking language down to natural connotations confronts ignorance to acknowledge simplicity underneath complexity, and more importantly the choice of ignorance thereof.
As for unique (the only one)...that's yet another rhetorical inversion. We are within motion (inception towards death), which makes each of us ONE within ALL aka ONE potential within ALL potentiality of energy in motion...ALL in ONE aka 'alone' (an allegory for ALL in ONE for those with eyes to see).
Unique; suggested under the umbrella of individualism, aims to corrupt our comprehension of coexistence by tricking us to consent to ignore it.
I'm not on-line, I'm within motion...ONE within ALL aka ONE vessel within ALL flow. I don't offer information; I adapt to what inspires me (inspiration offered by ALL through motion). Try to utilize the same (adaptation to inspiration), while resisting your wants for information, and you will quickly learn that you can get exponentially more out of me then you need to put in.
ONEs consciousness transmutes ALL perceived inspiration into ONEs comprehended information. This process operates within ONEself by communicating with ALL...not by consenting to believe the information suggested by other ONEs. You need to builds comprehension by yourself through adaptation (within motion) to inspiration. Believing anything I write restricts ONE from comprehending ALL; which is why I point it out over and over again.
ONEself...ONE represents the temporary ONE within the ongoing ALL; the form within the flow. The self represents that which remains within flow; that which is being sustained by the choices of ONEs actions within form sustained by flow...the blood (liquid) within the shared bloodline...the shared identity of ONEself.
You represent the accumulation of that which was; the maintenance tool for that which is, and the choice of action for all the consequences coming out of it... and you are doing this for the sustenance of self (blood/liquid).
Flow (motion) causes form (momentum) through the communication between velocity (motion) and resistance (momentum) causing friction; vibration; resonance etc. and also heat and through it the need for (liquid) cooling for self sustenance of ALL (energy in motion).
ALL does not withhold information; ONE lacks comprehension about what ALL perceived means. Motion segregates ALL potentiality into individual ONE potential, and motion communicates the source of ALL information (energy) as inspiration to the ONEs within, which when chosen (by free will of choice) to adhere to, is what's building ONEs comprehension. Consent to offer represents transmutation out of base if directed at base ALL and not from the suggestions of other ONEs.
All the ONEs within motion represents inspiration to each other; yet also the temptation (through the pull of motion) to hold onto them; to claim ownership over them; to submit; believe; have faith; consent to them, while ignoring adaptation to ALL.
What you read here is either inspiration (need) or information (want)...your choice. Also, resist reason (conflict between truth versus false) and utilize implication (if/then) instead, which is in adherence to motion; while reason is in ignorance thereof.
Comprehension needs to be build by adaptation to inspiration. It cannot be build by believing suggested information. Resist to believe/not believe what I wrote; and try to go all out at whatever inspires you; which is called adaptation and will lead to growth of comprehension; while believe/not believe causes loss.