What if they don't hold beliefs; but suggest them to us? The origin of "what we are told" isn't nature; because nature doesn't tell us any information; it offers us inspiration to learn from.
Nature does not proclaim itself; it is in motion; which is what we perceive as inspiration. All beliefs ignore that.
are red herrings alone
Red herring represents an allegory for temptation and alone represents an allegory for "ALL is ONE", What's missing is comprehension of motion; because motion defines ALL being ONE in energy; and motion represents temptation for all within.
this red herring is there just to create a stir
Inspiration or temptation; based on choice of action. Inspiration represents acting upon choice of need (adapting to motion), temptation represents acting upon choice of want (ignoring motion).
to elicit emotions
Emotion (to move from) aka an allegory for ones choice of ignorance towards being within motion.
empathy or disdain
Want or not want represent both a temptation that ignore need. One doesn't need empathy or disdain towards others for the sustenance of self.
The truth, in my opinion
Truth equals affixed assumptions in ignorance of motion; opinion equals the resulting conflict of reason (truth vs false). When you choose to believe a suggested truth/false; you put yourself into a conflict of reason with the opposition. For those who made the suggestion this represents a tool to cause division.
Motion represents flow; motion causes momentum; which represents form...form within flow can transmute itself by choice of action. ONE (magnetic form) can transmute our of ALL (electric flow).
They don't shape-shift; we ignore transmutation out of base (form out of flow aka chaos out of order), and they use it to trick us to keep consenting to ignorance.
The Masons accept people from all faiths.
Because faith; belief; submission etc. represents simply consent by free will of choice to ignore reality for fiction. The "free" masons are building (transmuting) "free" will of choice by means of suggestion. They're molding ignored potential (ONE) within ongoing potentiality (ALL).
They accept not just from all so called faiths; but they accept ALL; because they comprehend being ONE within ALL. The ONEs who come to them are failing that test of self discernment when joining; when consenting to the question "wanna be a member?". Afterwards masonry is used build potential and vet access to ALL through comprehension.
Many Masons are as clueless or more clueless than the general public.
Because all in ignorance of reality (in favor of believed fiction) are also in ignorance of free will of chocie representing ONEs sole authority over self within ALL, and by consenting to believe others they put themselves under a chain of command of false authority over self. It doesn't matter if you're a mason; a zog bot, a political shabbo; or a burger flipper...they all consent to ignore free will for believing the suggestions made by the free will of others. They all act within a chain of command; they all represent ignored potential; they all are harvested by those who comprehend reality; by those who use free will of choice to transmute potential at will.
Christian and Islamic symbols side by side. I'm not entirely certain if there are jewish symbols, but there likely are.
SYM'BOL, noun [Latin symbolum; Gr. with, and to throw; to compare.]...momentum (form) is "with" motion (flow); motions "throws" momentum in existence; momentum "compares" to motion.
Everything they suggest is based on the same foundation (energy in motion); out of which they transmute their suggestions; which we transmute into fiction by believing them. Meanwhile motion will always corrupt and destroy all set into it; and so all these suggested stories will automatically unify again aka the fiction falls apart through the flow of motion. Christians; Muslims and so called jews do not exist within reality; and the reality of motion will bring them back to base.
The few who corrupt our comprehension with suggestions are maintaining these fictitious states by transmuting stories to cover the destructive nature of motion, so that we keep our minds in the state of ignorance, which allows them control over the many.
The people in the know...
Who chose to not restrict comprehension by consenting to beliefs.
the ones pulling the strings...
...represent each ONEs free will of choice consenting to follow the mainstream; the party-line; the suggested fiction; the chain of command.
feed off of
They utilize ignored potential; by suggesting others to ignore their own potential. The few control what the many consent to believe.
Consent to suggest belief (ignorance of self) causes conflict of reason (truth versus false); which represents the cause for all division. talmudic "reasoning" maintains these conflicts of reason through the suggestion of contradictions to both sides; while teaching its followers to utilize implication (if/then) over reason (truth vs false) for themselves.
Newton's third law of physics (For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.)
That represents an inversion for a law of nature (defined by motion)...all actions have consequences within motion. The source that defines all action (energy) represents "equal"; motion applied to it ALL self segregate ALL (potentiality) into individual ONE (potential); thereby defining the natural opposites in coexistence through motion, and the momentum within motion represents the balance that define the choice based action that will cause consequences for all the ONEs coexisting within ALL of energy in motion.
They make the pendulum swing back and forth. When one side thinks they are making progress, they swing it the other way.
There's no going back within motion; which also defines direction (progress). Life doesn't represent a pendulum swing; but a sinus curve of growth/loss; transmuted out of source energy...a temporary balance act of form within flow.
"switching sides"
The sides you refer to are based on reason (truth vs false); which both represent fiction in ignorance of reality (motion). What you perceive as switching represents them suggesting contradiction to either side to keep the conflict of reason going; to prevent comprehension of reality through consented to ignorance thereof.
Motion defines the sides (beginning towards end); which puts the value on the middle...balance in motion through choice of action aka adaptation.
depending on what suits their needs
They all act upon their wants/not wants; while ignoring their needs. When ONE consents believes the suggestion of another one; then he acted upon his wants; while ignoring his needs (adaptation to ALL).
What if they don't hold beliefs; but suggest them to us? The origin of "what we are told" isn't nature; because nature doesn't tell us any information; it offers us inspiration to learn from.
Nature does not proclaim itself; it is in motion; which is what we perceive as inspiration. All beliefs ignore that.
Red herring represents an allegory for temptation and alone represents an allegory for "ALL is ONE", What's missing is comprehension of motion; because motion defines ALL being ONE in energy; and motion represents temptation for all within.
Inspiration or temptation; based on choice of action. Inspiration represents acting upon choice of need (adapting to motion), temptation represents acting upon choice of want (ignoring motion).
Emotion (to move from) aka an allegory for ones choice of ignorance towards being within motion.
Want or not want represent both a temptation that ignore need. One doesn't need empathy or disdain towards others for the sustenance of self.
Truth equals affixed assumptions in ignorance of motion; opinion equals the resulting conflict of reason (truth vs false). When you choose to believe a suggested truth/false; you put yourself into a conflict of reason with the opposition. For those who made the suggestion this represents a tool to cause division.
Motion represents flow; motion causes momentum; which represents form...form within flow can transmute itself by choice of action. ONE (magnetic form) can transmute our of ALL (electric flow).
They don't shape-shift; we ignore transmutation out of base (form out of flow aka chaos out of order), and they use it to trick us to keep consenting to ignorance.
Because faith; belief; submission etc. represents simply consent by free will of choice to ignore reality for fiction. The "free" masons are building (transmuting) "free" will of choice by means of suggestion. They're molding ignored potential (ONE) within ongoing potentiality (ALL).
They accept not just from all so called faiths; but they accept ALL; because they comprehend being ONE within ALL. The ONEs who come to them are failing that test of self discernment when joining; when consenting to the question "wanna be a member?". Afterwards masonry is used build potential and vet access to ALL through comprehension.
Because all in ignorance of reality (in favor of believed fiction) are also in ignorance of free will of chocie representing ONEs sole authority over self within ALL, and by consenting to believe others they put themselves under a chain of command of false authority over self. It doesn't matter if you're a mason; a zog bot, a political shabbo; or a burger flipper...they all consent to ignore free will for believing the suggestions made by the free will of others. They all act within a chain of command; they all represent ignored potential; they all are harvested by those who comprehend reality; by those who use free will of choice to transmute potential at will.
SYM'BOL, noun [Latin symbolum; Gr. with, and to throw; to compare.]...momentum (form) is "with" motion (flow); motions "throws" momentum in existence; momentum "compares" to motion.
Everything they suggest is based on the same foundation (energy in motion); out of which they transmute their suggestions; which we transmute into fiction by believing them. Meanwhile motion will always corrupt and destroy all set into it; and so all these suggested stories will automatically unify again aka the fiction falls apart through the flow of motion. Christians; Muslims and so called jews do not exist within reality; and the reality of motion will bring them back to base.
The few who corrupt our comprehension with suggestions are maintaining these fictitious states by transmuting stories to cover the destructive nature of motion, so that we keep our minds in the state of ignorance, which allows them control over the many.
Who chose to not restrict comprehension by consenting to beliefs.
...represent each ONEs free will of choice consenting to follow the mainstream; the party-line; the suggested fiction; the chain of command.
They utilize ignored potential; by suggesting others to ignore their own potential. The few control what the many consent to believe.
Consent to suggest belief (ignorance of self) causes conflict of reason (truth versus false); which represents the cause for all division. talmudic "reasoning" maintains these conflicts of reason through the suggestion of contradictions to both sides; while teaching its followers to utilize implication (if/then) over reason (truth vs false) for themselves.
That represents an inversion for a law of nature (defined by motion)...all actions have consequences within motion. The source that defines all action (energy) represents "equal"; motion applied to it ALL self segregate ALL (potentiality) into individual ONE (potential); thereby defining the natural opposites in coexistence through motion, and the momentum within motion represents the balance that define the choice based action that will cause consequences for all the ONEs coexisting within ALL of energy in motion.
There's no going back within motion; which also defines direction (progress). Life doesn't represent a pendulum swing; but a sinus curve of growth/loss; transmuted out of source energy...a temporary balance act of form within flow.
The sides you refer to are based on reason (truth vs false); which both represent fiction in ignorance of reality (motion). What you perceive as switching represents them suggesting contradiction to either side to keep the conflict of reason going; to prevent comprehension of reality through consented to ignorance thereof.
Motion defines the sides (beginning towards end); which puts the value on the middle...balance in motion through choice of action aka adaptation.
They all act upon their wants/not wants; while ignoring their needs. When ONE consents believes the suggestion of another one; then he acted upon his wants; while ignoring his needs (adaptation to ALL).