Oracle is a continuation of Biggers’ recent Chimera sculptures, a series of figurative sculptures created by combining African masks and European figures that explore historical depictions of the body and their subsequent myths...
Biggers is intrigued by the recent scholarship about the academic and historical “white-washing” of classical Greco-Roman sculpture simultaneously intersecting with the early twentieth century “black-washing” of various African sculptural objects.
Comissioned by the Rockefeller Foundation. This is a theme being pushed heavily at the moment, especially in Europe. There is a narrative being created out of nothing that the original inhabitants of Europe, and yes, even Scandinavia and the British Isles, were sub-Saharan Africans and that the white man came and displaced them. The clear intention is to create feelings of guilt in those who might question or criticize pro/mass immigration policies and globalism in general.
Comissioned by the Rockefeller Foundation. This is a theme being pushed heavily at the moment, especially in Europe. There is a narrative being created out of nothing that the original inhabitants of Europe, and yes, even Scandinavia and the British Isles, were sub-Saharan Africans and that the white man came and displaced them. The clear intention is to create feelings of guilt in those who might question or criticize pro/mass immigration policies and globalism in general.