I am an advocate of psychedelic therapy because the science shows...
SCI'ENCE, noun [Latin scientia, from scio, to know.] aka ONEs comprehension. Tell me; how can ONEs comprehension show anything, when ALL perceived offers everything to ONEs comprehension?
Also; psychedelic (cure)...does ALL offer sickness or does ONEs choice to ignore ALL cause sickness? If it's the latter...how can another ONE advocate a cure for ONEs choice of ignorance?
silent darkness
Darkness represents obscured light, and both together represent energy in motion, which cannot ever be silent (mute) for those within; since its vibration; resonance; sound is what establishes the form that allows light and darkness to balance.
As long as we exist we represents magnetic momentum within electric motion in constant communication with each other; hence the need for constant adaptation (breathing for example).
Motion defines direction for all within; so the corruption we cause to ourselves by ignorance of motion represents just selfish ignorance needed to inspire adherence. The brain(mind) as well as the body also do not represent the self (blood); but tools to help sustain 'that which remains' within motion.
in which the neurons fire.
Who suggested you that belief and how quickly did you consent to it?
"stuck on an autism spectrum"
a) "spectrum" (image) represents information communicated to ones senses through motion; while "stuck" represents ones ignorance of motion (constant change aka ongoing flow).
b) what if the -ism tricks the comprehension to be "stuck" on beliefs aka the ignorance of motion?
Nature aka reality indicates ALL to ONEs perception, so can you explain to me how it acts against itself through contraindication?
a feature not a bug
Is there a flaw within nature or do you lack comprehension of what the perceived means?
Intuition (perception)...so ignorance; which is what? ONEs choice of action within ALL motion.
personality disorders
Person (per, through, and sonus, sound), which would make order/disorder equal resonance/dissonance aka motion (electric order) and momentum (magnetic disorder). So those within motion with the choice of action (free will) can then choose between resonance (adherence; need) or dissonance (ignorance; want).
Can you create without using the inspiration from ALL that already is? If not...who suggested you the belief in creation; for which you ignore that ONE can only transmute out of ALL offered? In alchemy it's called "out of base" as in momentum out of motion; magnetic out of electric; ONE out of ALL...
So 666...
SCI'ENCE, noun [Latin scientia, from scio, to know.] aka ONEs comprehension. Tell me; how can ONEs comprehension show anything, when ALL perceived offers everything to ONEs comprehension?
Also; psychedelic (cure)...does ALL offer sickness or does ONEs choice to ignore ALL cause sickness? If it's the latter...how can another ONE advocate a cure for ONEs choice of ignorance?
Darkness represents obscured light, and both together represent energy in motion, which cannot ever be silent (mute) for those within; since its vibration; resonance; sound is what establishes the form that allows light and darkness to balance.
As long as we exist we represents magnetic momentum within electric motion in constant communication with each other; hence the need for constant adaptation (breathing for example).
Motion defines direction for all within; so the corruption we cause to ourselves by ignorance of motion represents just selfish ignorance needed to inspire adherence. The brain(mind) as well as the body also do not represent the self (blood); but tools to help sustain 'that which remains' within motion.
Who suggested you that belief and how quickly did you consent to it?
a) "spectrum" (image) represents information communicated to ones senses through motion; while "stuck" represents ones ignorance of motion (constant change aka ongoing flow).
b) what if the -ism tricks the comprehension to be "stuck" on beliefs aka the ignorance of motion?
Nature aka reality indicates ALL to ONEs perception, so can you explain to me how it acts against itself through contraindication?
Is there a flaw within nature or do you lack comprehension of what the perceived means?
Intuition (perception)...so ignorance; which is what? ONEs choice of action within ALL motion.
Person (per, through, and sonus, sound), which would make order/disorder equal resonance/dissonance aka motion (electric order) and momentum (magnetic disorder). So those within motion with the choice of action (free will) can then choose between resonance (adherence; need) or dissonance (ignorance; want).
Could accusing others of "personality disorders" could corrupt ones comprehension of reality? Btw that term "personality disorder"? Suggested by our parasites right after WWI... https://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?content=personality+disorder&year_start=1500&year_end=2019&corpus=26&smoothing=3#
What a coincidence...
Can you create without using the inspiration from ALL that already is? If not...who suggested you the belief in creation; for which you ignore that ONE can only transmute out of ALL offered? In alchemy it's called "out of base" as in momentum out of motion; magnetic out of electric; ONE out of ALL...
How about a little empathy for all those who didn't know that the term "empathy" was made up around 1917? https://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?content=empathy&year_start=1600&year_end=2019&corpus=26&smoothing=3
Coincidentally "pathetic" (affecting or moving the passions aka temptation) has been around much longer...