What do we know? What is the current status? We know it stopped / paused after President Trump was elected. Has it started again? Something about antimatter? Haven't heard anything in a long while. What have you seen or heard?
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That's from MORO'SE, adjective [Latin morosus. morose then is from the root of Latin moror, to delay, stop, hinder).
Delay; stop and hinder implies being within motion, so could it be that we cannot actually delay; stop or hinder motion; but only corrupt our comprehension of all perceived within motion?
a) does nature offer information without meaning and b) does nature use speech or writing to communicate information to your senses or do you believe the speech and writing of others within nature who use it to act in the name of nature?
How could one perceive information without senses allowing communication from the outside in?
Could consent to believe in the suggested -ism (vandalism) cause ones mind to operate with less potential?