If we are truly the products of the earth, the earth will protect herself if we are threats to it.
Don't think "earth"; think "form". What sustains form? The momentum within motion, and what do motion and momentum interacting with each other represent for the energy causing them? Self sustenance.
The momentum; within which we exist; represents the protection from the consequences of our actions onto motion. We can't do anything to motion; because we are defined as being within the temporary momentum within motion.
In short...energy defines motion; motion defines momentum; and momentum defines choice of action for those within. All together represent the loss and recharge of potentiality aka energy creates motion; motion creates energy aka self sustenance...the function of all existence.
he went on and on
In adherence to motion.
new to the world itself
Try to create a "new" thought without using the inspiration from all that already exists...you can't; because ALL existence is predefined; the ONEs within are lacking comprehension of what ALL perceived means; and we (ONE potential) can only transmute out of base energy (ALL potentiality)...not create new. Or as the parasites suggest..."there's nothing new under the sun"; while also injecting their suggested inversion of reality (nothing).
other forms of what was here before
Transmutation out of base. We are mimics that can only use inspiration to transmute out of; and our potential for doing so represents our comprehension; which requires us to adapt to inspiration from ALL...not by consenting to information suggested by other ONEs.
Nuclear power, is of the earth.
NU'CLEUS, noun [Latin a nut.]...you're being deceived to talk about the power of nuts...no wait; let me rephrase that...a bunch of criminal dudes suggested to the world to speak about the power of their nuts, and you consented to it. They call this chutzpah.
Splitting atoms is something we, as inhabitants of the earth learned.
AT'OM, noun [Gr.; Latin atomus; from not, and to cut.] - "a particle of matter so minute as to admit of no division". What you were thought to perpetuate are contradictions; they suggest to amuse themselves on our ignorance. When you repeat "splitting atoms" to them; they hear "divide the undividable"; which confirms the goy status and inspires them to keep exploiting them ruthlessly.
truly of the opinion
"truly" aka belief in truth; "opinion" aka conflict of reason (truth versus false). Now what if the belief in truth/false causes the conflict of reason?
I would do nothing
Could you please demonstrate anywhere within the "everything" of nature; what the state of "nothing" is? Or you could also just tell me how one can act with no consequences?
restore itself and start again as it has time and time again.
What does "time" measure? Could it be motion; could we be within motion; and doesn't motion (constant change) contradict the affixed states of "time" (past; present; future)?
Could "time" represent the suggested ignorance of motion?
Don't think "earth"; think "form". What sustains form? The momentum within motion, and what do motion and momentum interacting with each other represent for the energy causing them? Self sustenance.
The momentum; within which we exist; represents the protection from the consequences of our actions onto motion. We can't do anything to motion; because we are defined as being within the temporary momentum within motion.
In short...energy defines motion; motion defines momentum; and momentum defines choice of action for those within. All together represent the loss and recharge of potentiality aka energy creates motion; motion creates energy aka self sustenance...the function of all existence.
In adherence to motion.
Try to create a "new" thought without using the inspiration from all that already exists...you can't; because ALL existence is predefined; the ONEs within are lacking comprehension of what ALL perceived means; and we (ONE potential) can only transmute out of base energy (ALL potentiality)...not create new. Or as the parasites suggest..."there's nothing new under the sun"; while also injecting their suggested inversion of reality (nothing).
Transmutation out of base. We are mimics that can only use inspiration to transmute out of; and our potential for doing so represents our comprehension; which requires us to adapt to inspiration from ALL...not by consenting to information suggested by other ONEs.
NU'CLEUS, noun [Latin a nut.]...you're being deceived to talk about the power of nuts...no wait; let me rephrase that...a bunch of criminal dudes suggested to the world to speak about the power of their nuts, and you consented to it. They call this chutzpah.
AT'OM, noun [Gr.; Latin atomus; from not, and to cut.] - "a particle of matter so minute as to admit of no division". What you were thought to perpetuate are contradictions; they suggest to amuse themselves on our ignorance. When you repeat "splitting atoms" to them; they hear "divide the undividable"; which confirms the goy status and inspires them to keep exploiting them ruthlessly.
"truly" aka belief in truth; "opinion" aka conflict of reason (truth versus false). Now what if the belief in truth/false causes the conflict of reason?
Could you please demonstrate anywhere within the "everything" of nature; what the state of "nothing" is? Or you could also just tell me how one can act with no consequences?
Let's check out how old dinosaurs really are... https://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?content=dinosaur&year_start=1500&year_end=2019&corpus=26&smoothing=3#
What does "time" measure? Could it be motion; could we be within motion; and doesn't motion (constant change) contradict the affixed states of "time" (past; present; future)?
Could "time" represent the suggested ignorance of motion?