We've all seen them, the frequency with which they post is unnatural. The shills have already wormed their way into the featured doc calling all germs and viruses "fAkE nEwS!".
Viruses lack a nucleus and mold spores don't form inside anything. It's all lies.
How did TD deal with government agents? Segregate them, pretty simple. Any posts that were "questioning" TD got relegated to "askTD". So, why can't we do something similar?
Make a flat earth sub where all the shills can duke it out with each other. Their retardation clutters actual conversation. They do not contribute. Spamming shitty youtube videos, not entering a submission statement, then brow beat everyone who asks questions about it "just watch it" or "just shove a flashlight up your ass on a beach at midnight, trust me"
TLDR; segregate flat earth Posts and require submission statement would do absolute wonders towards uncluttering this sub with government sponsored static.
We don’t “have to” need to choose do anything. Why force your beliefs on people?
Need is predefined by self sustenance within motion; and you are already demanded to adhere to it; which is why you breathe. If you would try to convince yourself to stop breathing until you die; you'll quickly learn that neither your body; nor your mind are in control over the collective survival instinct. So self sustenance represents a collective need for all within motion; because ALL represents the function that is "self sustenance".
On top of that we have the free will of choice to adhere to it or ignore it; but the latter merely represents us falling for the temptation of selfishness; which can easily be poked by pointing out the aforementioned demanded adaptation to motion that is breathing.
So neither do I offer beliefs; nor could I force others to consent to anything without ignoring self sustenance myself; by ignoring the free will of others.
That all being out of the way...you must use free will of choice for every action you set into motion (need or want); yet thanks to the former choices of ignorance; most of us lack the comprehension of that; which is why they choose ignorance in autopilot (ignorance breeds ignorance; it's self perpetuating because of motion).
In short...in-between inception and death; each action set into motion is defined by need (self sustenance of life) or want (temptation luring towards death). That's morality defined by natural law; and every othre life-form adheres to this instinctively.
I bet you’re a real ham at parties. This is very boring bullshit.
Did you knew that gamblers are not addicted to winning; but to losing? Also; any wager represents ignorance of life being the highest value in existence aka the temporary means to evaluate all existence offered through it. A wager is uttered based on want to win; but the outcome of life is always death, so there's no wining; since life already represents the ultimate price.
P'ARTY, noun [Latin pars. See Part.]... "a number of persons united in opinion"
OPINION, noun. [Latin opinio, from opinor, to thing, Gr., Latin suppono.] - "the judgment which the mind forms on truth or falsehood aka reason)"
United in reason (conflict between truth versus false)...another inversion by our parasites; who just so happen to propagate parties at any opportunity to unite in conflict.
And what are you implying represents exiting bullshit? Fertilizing soil? Anyway; look at that fucking spike... https://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?content=boredom&year_start=1500&year_end=2019&corpus=26&smoothing=3# Doesn't look intentional at all; doesn't it? Ignorance based on suggested boredom...mankind's struggle for self sustenance seems to be taking a nap.