i said theyre not hard to get off, followed by the explication of that statement with the method that accomplishes that statement. it is implied in my comment that the initial doses of, typically, diazepam be functionally equivalent to the alprazolam or clonazepam or whatever the patient is trying to eliminate, and that PAWS can be avoided with this very simple method. your response is essentially that i said just stop ingesting the GABAergic, when i clearly said something very different than that.
i said theyre not hard to get off, followed by the explication of that statement with the method that accomplishes that statement. it is implied in my comment that the initial doses of, typically, diazepam be functionally equivalent to the alprazolam or clonazepam or whatever the patient is trying to eliminate, and that PAWS can be avoided with this very simple method. your response is essentially that i said just stop ingesting the GABAergic, when i clearly said something very different than that.