By a breast cancer surgeon. Yeah, he sounds like a real immunologist specialist. So they somehow managed to find some quack with an MD who is willing to spew crap i exchange for a nice payment?? Im shocked. Continue to believe what you'd like to believe. Get the vax. I don't give a fuck.
The fact that you obsessively post your pro-vax shit on a conspiracy site full time is evidence enough that you have a significant ulterior motive. You are what we call a "shill". Get fucked.
By a breast cancer surgeon. Yeah, he sounds like a real immunologist specialist. So they somehow managed to find some quack with an MD who is willing to spew crap i exchange for a nice payment?? Im shocked. Continue to believe what you'd like to believe. Get the vax. I don't give a fuck.
The fact that you obsessively post your pro-vax shit on a conspiracy site full time is evidence enough that you have a significant ulterior motive. You are what we call a "shill". Get fucked.