They seem to be doing their utmost to gain totalitarian control, as well as thin the herd and usher in an era of absolute terror, because they also know that a terrified populace is easiest to control.
This is because these dj0o supremacists believe, in their demented way, that if they somehow create the proper conditions as dictated by their demonic religion, they can FORCE their "messiah" to come and save them. These conditions are the enslavement of all goys (that's us) as well as the establishment of a totalitarian world government in their "3rd Temple" in Jerusalem.
But they are in a hurry. Why? Well, every 12,000 years or so, there is an ELE (Extinction Level Event) that destroys civilizations. Atlantis 12,000 years ago. A smaller yet important half-cycle event (the Great Flood, 6,000 years ago) is also widely recorded in history.
You see, the Earth's structure isn't as we have been brought to believe it is. This is also why the Flat Earth cults of retardedness rise in this day and age, to throw more confusion into the mix. The Earth's thin crust is locked onto the mantle and the interface is a mix of magma and other things, called the "low-velocity zone" and is extra-extra thin.
The locking mechanism of the Crust onto the mantle, via the low-velocity zone, is MAGNETIC. So essentially, it's the Earth's magnetic field that locks the crust into place, with the massive ice caps stuck into place at the poles.
They're not heavy enough to rotate the ENTIRE Earth to a more natural position of these masses being at the equator. A rotating, empty ball with heavy masses at its rotation poles would naturally rotate to have these heavier-than-elsewhere masses at its equator, due to centrifugal force. But while the crust is locked into place, the Earth is balanced like it is.
The Earth's magnetic field has been weakening, and this weakening has been accelerating. This is what happens just before the magnetic poles reverse. At that time the magnetic field collapses to pretty much zero. The crust unlocks from the mantle, the poles go to the equators and start melting in a hurry and a great flood follows. After a "short" while, the magnetic field starts back up again and locks the crust into a new 90 degree shifted position. This is all geologically documented without any possible doubt.
But also, that magnetic field is what keeps Life on Earth from getting fried by cosmic rays. With that gone, even without any great flood and tremendous earthquakes and volcanic activity, we still get an ELE.
There is a lot to this and I'm not going to write a whole essay, but suffice it to say that fluctuations in the magnetic field of the Sun induce crust rotation speed changes. This is again well documented and proves the magnetic nature of the crust's locking mechanism.
If you want to know more about this, I suggest you go to the Suspicious Observers website and get an education. They also have an amazing youtube channel, here:
Anyway, these "Elites" know about this. That's why we are having a new space race. Musk, even though he isn't part of the actual cabal, figured it out. He's planning an exit strategy for a subset of Mankind to wait out the trouble off-planet.
The Cabal itself is in a hurry to force their "messiah" to manifest himself and save them. Except no demonic entity ever saved anybody. But these maniacs have their demented religion and that's that.
Which brings us to the scamdemic: it's a good way to scare people into accepting a totalitarian communist world government, and also to cull the herd. It is part and parcel of these demented demon-possessed monsters' response to the upcoming ELE.
Well, now you know. Doesn't change much of anything, except to highlight the importance of not getting tainted by their horrors.
OBVIOUSLY because not EVERYBODY is a sheeple and we are used to some degrees of freedom in the West, therefore they have to take it slowly and gently.
What, do you think Americans would let themselves get killed off without any backlash? And the same with many other countries where people have guns, legally or not.
No, they have to be underhanded about this otherwise they could easily lose control of the whole situation. Wait a few months to a year or so. You'll see culling.
The Illuminati are not that creative.
I tell you, from France to Soviet Russia to Nazi Germany to Communist China, the exact same thing happens.
Mass culling through literal bloody slaughter. Either the government sends you to the gulags or the population starts eating their own like cake.
The only thing they NEED to do is to lull and integrate you into the situation, peacefully, and there is no better way than inducing a Mice Utopia lockdown on the world.
Well then your point is my point. What are we even discussing. I never wrote they would STOP at vaccines, you put that in there.
OBVIOUSLY they won't. I'm talking about the boiling frog analogy, where they up the totalitarianism a bit more, slowly and gently, so that the sleeping frogs (goys) don't wake up, until they are ABSOLUTELY dominated.
Then they exterminate en masse.
This is the window where this is over. World War III will be coming as soon as this year.
Maybe if the vote audits come through and reflect that Trump actually won, such a war can be avoided. But I agree, as long as Bidet is in the White House, the world is fucked.
I say 2025 we get a nuclear war or at the very least, a major famine, worldwide.
Sure, I'll accept that, definitely a possibility. If so, count on Russia to utterly annihilate the USA. Because a pre-emptive nuclear strike is their only shot at saving themselves.