I am a veterinary student at a midwestern liberal infested university.
At my first day of veterinary medical clinical rotations (3/4 years complete) I received an email outlining my required removal from campus. This closely accompanied a call from my attending clinician outlining that my cases have been transferred and I have to leave .
Why you ask? Because of my non-compliance in the mandatory testing.
The mandatory testing requires a bodily fluid (saliva) and it was made mandatory for on-campus students this spring, thankfully I have been able to avoid them until now.
Now my education is being withheld pending a submission of bodily fluids for a barely accurate PCR test for a faux-virus.
Where the hell do I even go from here? I pay for a university and now they've changed the rules.
We are living in a dystopian hell that values compliance and submission over liberty and strength.
If you're already required to wear a mask and you have been wearing one, then I don't understand why that's not enough. Supposedly these masks work to prevent the transmission of this supposed virus. No need for a test.
(For the record, I am being rhetorical in my above statement.)
Mask AND a covering for your eyes. Which supposedly translates to non-contact with a covid positive person. Then you ask So then what value is the testing if it doesn't count as contact when you're with a positive person?
Oh right don't use logic. It's not logic. It's submission
It'd to get humans to bend the knee and bend more and more each time, you can not comply wish fascism just a little bit