Yep. But there say it's a hormone and it's time we protect the public by taking it a way from us.
Vid d, c hqq works very well with zinc too. Good information
It's a hormone. Vid d is a hormone. Use Google and learn something. Yes I know the recommended daily dose. What did I make up? I fully understand pharmacology/gear/sarms/seems ect. Less aggressive more reading from you son.
Yep. But there say it's a hormone and it's time we protect the public by taking it a way from us. Vid d, c hqq works very well with zinc too. Good information
Where does it mention VIt D is a hormone? Where does it say don’t use it? Do you know what a recommendation guide is? You making shit up?
It's a hormone. Vid d is a hormone. Use Google and learn something. Yes I know the recommended daily dose. What did I make up? I fully understand pharmacology/gear/sarms/seems ect. Less aggressive more reading from you son.