posted ago by dontdrinksoy ago by dontdrinksoy +8 / -2

This is old, but some years ago (2013), Taylor Swift went out for a meet and greet where she met a DJ. The DJ's name was David Mueller. Taylor Swift accused him of squeezing/grabbing her ass cheek, and he was fired, and successfully sued for $1.00. Obviously, that ruined his career.

But I have reason to believe that he was falsely accused, and he did not grab her butt. There are some things that don't add up here.

  1. Uncharacteristic Behavior - Mueller was a DJ for 20 something years. Never before had he been accused of sexual harrassment. Why would he all of a sudden take a risk on his reputation, and career to grab Taylor Swift's butt? Is she really that special that he would put himself in danger to take a squeeze of her cheek? What would possess him to do that. I don't think he would. That would be absurd.

  2. No Other Accusers - Usually when someone is accused of sexual harrassment, and the case is as big as it is, other women come forward. They come forward to dogpile on a person. But that never happened here. Taylor Swift is the sole accuser. If he was truly a pervert, a lot of ladies would've stepped forward to point their fingers. But they didn't. Why? Because he is not a pervert.

  3. Highly Defensive Response - When the DJ was accused of grabbing Taylor Swift's ass, he lost his job, and immediately got on the defense. He tried to legally go after her. But if you're guilty, and have a guilty mind, why would this be your move? What would make you put yourself under the light, and be examined under the legal system? It's a foolish move, and in most cases it isn't something a guilty person would do. You would sue if you were innocent. If he did do it, it would be better to accept your L, and move along, hoping nobody would notice. But that's not what he did. He acted as a person that has been wronged would do.

  4. Grabbing Done In Front of Everyone - Doesn't it seem odd that a DJ with a lucrative career would try sexually harrassing someone important in front of everyone? I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but why would he do it in from of all those cameras, and eyes? Is he just that bold? I don't think he is, or was. Seems odd that a pro in the music business would choose to sexually harrass someone in front of so many eyes. Because maybe he didn't.

  5. Unsatisfactory Photographic Evidence - His hand is behind her, sure, but her small dress is unmoved. She said he reached under her dress, and grabbed her bare ass. If that was true the dress would have moved at the front on his side.


However, look at the DJ's girlfriend (Shannon Melcher) on the left. She is pinning Taylor Swift's dress with her body. If Melcher went under the dress, and took a grab, Swift's dress would look unmoved as it was.

My "theory" is that Shannon Melcher, David Mueller's girlfriend, thought she could have a laugh, and grab Taylor Swift's butt. And she did.

  1. Girlfriend's Testimony - When Melcher was in court she said that she did not see Mueller being inappropriate. She was in fact rather defensive of him. She said that he was never inappropriate with anyone including her. Furthemore, she said Mueller's story never changed at all. He was consistent. That to me does not sound like a liar. Liars are usually all over the place, and there are holes in their stories.

  2. Counter to Security Guard's Testimony - One of Taylor Swift's security guards, Greg Dent, testified that he saw Mueller grabbing Taylor's ass. But he also said that Mueller was drinking, and suggested he was drunk. However, nobody else testified to that. Furthemore, there would be a conflict of interest here. Swift is her security guard's employer. She could persuade, and influence him to believe her narrative. And as we know witness testimony can be very unreliable. Witnesses can distort the truth.

Conclusion. I believe that David Mueller is most likely innnocent, and was accused of a crime he did not do. It just doesn't add up. I believe his girlfriend, Shannon Melcher, grabbed Taylor Swift's ass, and he was accused of it because he is a man.

Some relevant links: