The way knowles presents it, he says it's a big mistake to assume these people are straight up cynics who want to trick people.
Especially when it comes to the occult. To assume madame rothschild would dress up in a deer head with actual diamonds for tears just for shits and giggles is underestimating the enemy.
Saw the video back in 2019 before clown world, was shocked at first, then when I saw more videos where the dude asks her/it to wink at the viewers while they talk classic visitors bullshit I lost my interest.
May be real may be fake, I don't give a damn
soft disclosure for the upcoming "alien" psyop IMO.
Are you referencing "project bluebeam"?
It's literally plagiarized star trek scripts, I honestly expected more from you.
No, they've been planning a fake alien invasion since the early 20th century...the Rockefellers etc.
Don't, I'm just some guy.
The way knowles presents it, he says it's a big mistake to assume these people are straight up cynics who want to trick people.
Especially when it comes to the occult. To assume madame rothschild would dress up in a deer head with actual diamonds for tears just for shits and giggles is underestimating the enemy.
Saw the video back in 2019 before clown world, was shocked at first, then when I saw more videos where the dude asks her/it to wink at the viewers while they talk classic visitors bullshit I lost my interest. May be real may be fake, I don't give a damn
Yeah when I first saw the gif I was honestly shocked, till date all the reptilian stuff I've saw were blurry vids and grainy pics
don't trust every video u/pizzakek...
Guys, I have to admit, this is retarded :)
A little retardation now and then is releshed by the wisest men