Something I've never been able to understand. So correct me if I'm wrong.
Without earth's magnetic field we wouldn't have electricity, right?
Because sunflares would cause EMP strikes on our electric devices and they would shut down. Right?
Even our skin wouldn't be able te handle te sunlight.
How does electric devices such as satellites and robots on Mars survive or even work in an unstable environment where there's no protection against cosmic particles?
Keep in mind if the magnetic field of the earth changes our devices wouldn't work either.
What if consent to suggestion let's ones mind wander?
Within the motion of energy. How does magnetic work? Within the momentum of electric motion.
I heard sat(urnian)elites get high on helium theses days...high frequency kvetching.
Allegory for war (disturbance), hence them exploring mars so vehemently.
COSMICAL, adjective (Gr., order) aka the order of ALL.
P'ARTICLE, noun [Latin particula, from pars, part.] aka ONE part of ALL.
Together they represent a sleight of hand for those with eyes to see, and a contradiction in terms for the rest.
I have my moments...