What are your thoughts on the antikythera mechanism?
Certain low IQ Christcucks think fossils are a hoax planted by god as a test of our faith.
Surely that’s not the case here, right?
What are your thoughts on the antikythera mechanism?
Certain low IQ Christcucks think fossils are a hoax planted by god as a test of our faith.
Surely that’s not the case here, right?
Have you read " An anti-gravity platform of V.S. Grebennikov " ?
https://www.bitchute.com/video/bIN4WousgY4K/ yes there is some kind of properties to do with certain kinds of beatle wings. It's claimed his device not only allowed him to fly up to 1300km/hr but also he essentially became mass-less therefore there was no wind resistance he would not have to even comb his hair, also while accelerating on the device due to the nature of the aether manipulation he also would become invisible but only if accelerating. The device could not work in the rain . Very interesting stuff. Watching videos of people testing beatle wings they do indeed levitate under conditions. Also another interesting thing is that the egyptians worshipped dung beetles.
Look up Viktor Grebennikov videos on Bitchute, odyssey, Maybe rumble, and lbry.tv
The smaller the hexagons the better for these special properties due to there being an overall higher surface area within the small space. Many details in that book about the subject, it was translated from Russian but not too hard to understand.
Supposedly he first discovered special properties doing experiments while placing his hand over a bee hive, he could feel some sort of heat/ pressure but could but detect the force with any instruments. He was an entomologist. While studying beetles he went to place a wing under the microscope beside the other wing and it levitated over the other wing for a few seconds, spun, then fell. Something to do with the hexagonal shape gave it these special properties.
The shape overall is not hexagonal, but on the inside of the hard wing cover at the microscopic level is hexagonal
Possibly means you can take beetle wings, glue or sow them in an array, put them in a box, excite them with a resonance and presto you're levitating and invisible.
https://fdocuments.us/download/an-anti-gravity-platform-of-v-s-grebennikov here is the book you will have to wait for the ad to download.