A'LIEN, adjective (Latin alienus, from alius, another).
For ONE (self) within ALL (reality); all other ONEs represent "another", hence Aliens (others) are real (reality).
If you comprehend what I just wrote (not believing me; but comprehending for ONEself) then you used your free will of choice to evaluate ALL (reality), which brings us to contradiction to parasites are hiding in plain sight (sleight of hand)...
Aliens (others) ARE real (reality)...it is the "are" that implicates that others (aliens) ARE defining reality (real) for you, the ONE who uses free will of choice to consent to their offer.
Do not consent to the "are" or (((others))) define your comprehension of reality; when you consent to believe their offer.
Bonus: Notice how the kosher muppet didn't proclaim "Aliens Are Real", but acts "in the name of" (in nomine). He's using the corporate identity; deliberately written over the offered proclamation. Fiction over reality.
For ONE (self) within ALL (reality); all other ONEs represent "another", hence Aliens (others) are real (reality).
If you comprehend what I just wrote (not believing me; but comprehending for ONEself) then you used your free will of choice to evaluate ALL (reality), which brings us to contradiction to parasites are hiding in plain sight (sleight of hand)...
Aliens (others) ARE real (reality)...it is the "are" that implicates that others (aliens) ARE defining reality (real) for you, the ONE who uses free will of choice to consent to their offer.
Do not consent to the "are" or (((others))) define your comprehension of reality; when you consent to believe their offer.
Bonus: Notice how the kosher muppet didn't proclaim "Aliens Are Real", but acts "in the name of" (in nomine). He's using the corporate identity; deliberately written over the offered proclamation. Fiction over reality.