The beauty of all of this will come with the state v federal fight over federal nullification. Take a nullification law of 2a enforcement as an example.
Federal level will argue supremacy clause. Same state - let's say OK, for example, with both a 2a nullification law AND legalized marijuana dispensaries causes a tricky federal legal problem for CA and CO.
To enforce supremacy clause for guns, feds have to also unleash DEA on every lefty safe haven.
I really don't think the DS can see beyond their arrogance and hubris to understand how somewhere like OK, with 100% redder-than-red counties, would pass nullification of federal drug laws to long-con these assholes on guns.
The beauty of all of this will come with the state v federal fight over federal nullification. Take a nullification law of 2a enforcement as an example.
Federal level will argue supremacy clause. Same state - let's say OK, for example, with both a 2a nullification law AND legalized marijuana dispensaries causes a tricky federal legal problem for CA and CO.
To enforce supremacy clause for guns, feds have to also unleash DEA on every lefty safe haven.
I really don't think the DS can see beyond their arrogance and hubris to understand how somewhere like OK, with 100% redder-than-red counties, would pass nullification of federal drug laws to long-con these assholes on guns.
Or they could do what they always do and selectively enforce/rule.
Yeah. I expect that. but it does, or at least "should" create a great degree of havoc.