SCI'ENCE, noun [Latin scientia, from scio, to know.]. That represents ONEs choice based comprehension of what ALL perceived information means, which demands ONEs choice to adhere to ALL offered inspiration; instead of the choice to ignore ALL for another (((ONEs))) offered information.
Comprehension represents ONEs potential within ALL potentiality through adaptation to inspiration. ONE cannot gain comprehension by consenting to believe the information offered by other (((ONEs))), because that represents consent to ignore ALL being the source for ALL information.
Science as offered represents the maintenance of ignorance over sole authority over self (free will of choice) in favor for false authority under another ONE...those who offer information.
Science represents fiction, because ONE consents to ignore reality by believing it.
SCI'ENCE, noun [Latin scientia, from scio, to know.]. That represents ONEs choice based comprehension of what ALL perceived information means, which demands ONEs choice to adhere to ALL offered inspiration; instead of the choice to ignore ALL for another (((ONEs))) offered information.
Comprehension represents ONEs potential within ALL potentiality through adaptation to inspiration. ONE cannot gain comprehension by consenting to believe the information offered by other (((ONEs))), because that represents consent to ignore ALL being the source for ALL information.
Science as offered represents the maintenance of ignorance over sole authority over self (free will of choice) in favor for false authority under another ONE...those who offer information.
Science represents fiction, because ONE consents to ignore reality by believing it.