posted ago by Graser20 ago by Graser20 +36 / -1
  1. Statutes are being destroyed.

  2. Books are being burned/Cancelled.

  3. Speech is being censored. (They successfully censored the President of the United States. Both Trump and Biden.)

  4. Defending your property is illegal.

  5. Forced Vaccination.

  6. Riots are Peaceful Protests. And Peaceful Protests are Insurrections.

  7. The Military is occupying the United States Capital and the media is acting like it’s normal. (It’s not).

  8. Racism is Government Policy. Seriously what the fuck is Equity?

  9. Millionaires and Billionaires protest the American Flag by disrespecting the National Flag and in some extreme cases burn it and kneeling to it.

  10. Holidays are being removed.

  11. They successfully installed a Puppet Candidate, who fell down the stairs recently.

  12. In the 1st Week something crazy like 50 Executive Orders got signed. It didn’t matter if it was a good policy of Trumps. It’s gone.

  13. The puppet President doesn’t have control over the Nuclear Codes.

  14. The Puppet President constantly says Kamala Harris is President.

  15. The Puppet President illegally invaded Syria.

  16. The Puppet President signed a EO stopping ICE from Deporting all Illegals for 100 Days. In a effort to turn Texas Blue.

  17. They are working towards Stacking the Supreme Court.

  18. They will get rid of the filibuster.

  19. They stopped Border Wall Construction yet gave themselves a whole bunch of Walls in Washington.

  20. Bill Gates is owns a majority of the farmland in the United States pushing his Climate Cult agenda on us.

If Texas turns Blue, we have a Dictatorship. With NY, California, and Texas it doesn’t matter what the other states vote. They successfully turned Arizona and Georgia blue thanks to illegal immigration and giving Felons the right to vote.