I'm not sure where to even begin with this but it's becoming more and more clear to me what is happening. Population control has always been one of, if not the most important concern to the elite and the NWO. Reference what is said on the Georgia guidestones.
My job recently told me that they want us to get vaccinated before we go back in the office here in a few weeks.They made it sound like it wasn't a big deal and to just get it done. Now sure, I can stall or find another job or talk my way out of it with the help of lawyers. But this is setting up for a very slippery slope and I don't know if it's stoppable. It starts with the simple jab, then a mandated jab, then a yearly jab, and then the required certificate to participate in society to prove you've been vaccinated. At that point everybody's so conditioned that they'll be able to force microchipping for ultimate control. It'll be attached to your bank account to determine what you can and cannot do. There's also the possibility that it will sterilize the population to stop us from reproducing. Fuck.
It might take 5 to 15 years for this plan to happen but my intuition is telling me this train has no brakes. I hope I'm wrong but unfortunately I think evil has total control over the planet and everybody on it. Quite depressing.
Has anybody else come to this conclusion?
Much love to all the good souls out there.
Nothing will happen. Just stall, delay and do not engage.
It is a psyop of predictive programming. Set up the expectation so people fulfill the expectations. Psychology 101.
On the same note prepare your (legal) ammunition and find like minded friends.
Thanks fren for the optimism.
There will be immense pressure. It happened to me before and the flu jab.
All you have to do is delay...delay and do not engage.
Play stupid, play forgetful, play busy, promise and do not show up etc.
Eventually a new hot issue at work will surface and people will forget...
Until next year.
Of course do not be under any assumptions that you will gain any brownie points like that. The less noise you make the less of a target you will be and the less you will be chased up.
Use human attention against them.
Like one person said before here, do not engage.
They CANNOT vaccinate everyone in the world and it is proven that people with Diabetes will die upon taking one of those poisons.
Motion defines inception (beginning) moving towards death (end); which is what allows life in-between. This means the "goal" is predefined (death), which puts all the value on the sustenance of that which is (life).
You consenting by free will of choice to be afraid of that which isn't (death), while ignoring to sustain that which is (life) represents control over you by others; by those who offer you the hope/fear to trick you into ignorance. That is mass population control through suggestion.
Correct, that's you instincts trying to inspire you to comprehend that we are within motion (not time), and that survival within motion (balance) demands constant adaption; instead of mental stagnation (upheld beliefs of fear/hope for example).
All wants represent temptation luring towards death; all needs represents struggle to sustain life.
They already did through suggestion met by mass consent...it's called pornography. If one masturbates; one selfishly sacrifices life for death, and just like that the UN Replacement Migration was set into motion as a direct consequence.
If you use gems as a base of theory, the host will die. Super bugs are created by killing the weak off. It gives room for the strong to grow and more resistant to the medication. Soon immune strains of the germs begins to form. Then the medical field either destroys the host to control the gems from spreading or cause an outbreak. I volunteer to create super germs with my baby batter. Then with my creations we will go after the host.
Fight it. They want you to accept what they are saying, roll over and accept it like a good sheep