Processors have a second micro chip in them that controls the main processor. If I remember right there was an ama from a guy who was on the team who creates that part of the processor. Every processor has it's. They put back doors and other stuff into this secondary processor and can control everything using this secondary processor.
China was caught putting extras into their secondary precessors they provided the US military. Including remote cut off switches that can be activated wirelessly and independently using radio waves.
Processors have a second micro chip in them that controls the main processor. If I remember right there was an ama from a guy who was on the team who creates that part of the processor. Every processor has it's. They put back doors and other stuff into this secondary processor and can control everything using this secondary processor.
China was caught putting extras into their secondary precessors they provided the US military. Including remote cut off switches that can be activated wirelessly and independently using radio waves.
Not China. It is Israel that designs these.