posted ago by Mrexreturns ago by Mrexreturns +23 / -0


These people are not ignorant buffoons.

They know perfectly that Masks, Social Distancing and Lockdowns do not work because Covid-19 does not exist (or is just Influenza).

So why do they do it for more than a year with unerring stringency?


The anti-pandemic measures are extremely physiologically humiliating and debilitating and look more like trainings of blood-thirsty serial killers than actual anti-pandemic measures.

Well they are going to force humanity to KILL!

And I repeat, they are going to lock you down and gag you until most of humanity is ready to "evolve" aka. drop their humanity and revert to feral animals.

Sorta like what happened in the Cultural Revolution and Red Cambodia, just more chaotic.

People will hunt down each other for food, rape and torture for the sake of rape and torture, and become unable to sustain themselves via any other way but cannibalism (they were simply too insane to sustain themselves in any other way but cannibalism).

They will feed on death like we need oxygen.

They will need death like GW Bush needs war or Antifa needs fire and destruction.

And when only the strongest of formerly human feral animals remain, the Great Reset will begin; the Beautiful ones known as GMO humans that are stronger, more obedient and wiser than the current man will repopulate this earth, and a new generation of elites shall live as clones.

So understand this is a Cultural Revolution or Red Khmer scenario (or at least one waiting to happen) -- aside that the affected area is worldwide and it would be impossible to reverse by then.