No. Simple fucking basic science. Not Santa Claus Disneyland. Basic science has mammals, birds, insect, fish, not
just the stupid reptiles. Where are the trees. They are bigger than the trees eating them and everything else. Evolution fucko is a little lie. It sells joyrides and Santa. A perfectly balanced ecosystem every single animal works in conjunction to create order a synchronized habitat which is completely sustainable. Dinosaurs are as stupid as the human. As contrary as the dumb stupid human and its megalomaniacal absurdity. They aren't sustainable. They never existed like that.
Evolution in an ice age why did man throw away his fur. Pretty stupid when animals have a bunch of clothes until humans came along in an ice age freezing to death. Why evolution start cooking meat if animals just ate it raw. Why is human shit toxic. Literally the worst feces for any ecosystem. Nothing about evolution makes one iota of common sense. It has never been proved either it is a theory. It is like believing in God, except it is stupid evolution, millions of years later man killed everything because they were so evolved. Seriously why is it devolution. The human is the most destructive force on the planet. But by eating cooked food and wearing clothes and needing tools to do it a cycle of extinction has occurred until the very word is a hoax. Mankind doesn't evolve. It just shits everywhere. An invasive species.
Much better people can argue so much better the finer points. Like there are no mixed species, cross a zebra with a horse and they are impotent. So how did freddy four eyes suggest the fish crawled out of the snake fucking the bird birthing the monkey becoming the man.
Deny evolution all you want, i know it makes your child molester... errr... i mean religious leader happy, but you're still wrong.
people like you have a difficult time with time, you can't seem to understand that billions of years is a long time... but i guess that doesn't make much sense to someone who thinks the earth is 5,000 years old.
it's ok man, you can believe in whatever insane crazy nonsense you want to believe in... i don't have to agree with you for you to keep thinking the stuff you do.
bro i'm not even going to bother, you don't understand evolutionary mechanics to the point that you think it's a "hoax to brainwash us with evolution"... what could i possibly say to a person like you? better question... why would i bother?
we are just a grand canyon apart here and really couldn't care less about convincing you or "winning"... it's just ridiculous to me and i'm done with the conversation.
I am not your bro. I have fully studied evolution. I have also fully researched conspiracy. Like you should before you start a conversation here.
I also don't need to reiterate it is a conspiracy. It has never been proved. Adaptation and mutation occur. As an observation. But never ever completely different species. This has been hog washed with it will take billions of years to occur. But there is no link. None has been or will be observed. If it is it has been meddled. Like Chinese pig monkeys. They died seconds later.
It is a theory not a fact you shit for brained ape.
If we went another route, like aliens being proved. Evolution was a lie.
No. Simple fucking basic science. Not Santa Claus Disneyland. Basic science has mammals, birds, insect, fish, not just the stupid reptiles. Where are the trees. They are bigger than the trees eating them and everything else. Evolution fucko is a little lie. It sells joyrides and Santa. A perfectly balanced ecosystem every single animal works in conjunction to create order a synchronized habitat which is completely sustainable. Dinosaurs are as stupid as the human. As contrary as the dumb stupid human and its megalomaniacal absurdity. They aren't sustainable. They never existed like that.
Evolution in an ice age why did man throw away his fur. Pretty stupid when animals have a bunch of clothes until humans came along in an ice age freezing to death. Why evolution start cooking meat if animals just ate it raw. Why is human shit toxic. Literally the worst feces for any ecosystem. Nothing about evolution makes one iota of common sense. It has never been proved either it is a theory. It is like believing in God, except it is stupid evolution, millions of years later man killed everything because they were so evolved. Seriously why is it devolution. The human is the most destructive force on the planet. But by eating cooked food and wearing clothes and needing tools to do it a cycle of extinction has occurred until the very word is a hoax. Mankind doesn't evolve. It just shits everywhere. An invasive species.
Much better people can argue so much better the finer points. Like there are no mixed species, cross a zebra with a horse and they are impotent. So how did freddy four eyes suggest the fish crawled out of the snake fucking the bird birthing the monkey becoming the man.
Deny evolution all you want, i know it makes your child molester... errr... i mean religious leader happy, but you're still wrong.
people like you have a difficult time with time, you can't seem to understand that billions of years is a long time... but i guess that doesn't make much sense to someone who thinks the earth is 5,000 years old.
it's ok man, you can believe in whatever insane crazy nonsense you want to believe in... i don't have to agree with you for you to keep thinking the stuff you do.
hope you have a better day.
Look into the dinosaurs. It legit. “We have to cover all the real bones in plaster because they are radioactive.”
I have, i've held fossilized bone, i know people who deal with this sort of shit for a living (a good friend from the neighborhood teaches this shit).
i don't for one second believe dinosaurs aren't real anymore than i believe birds are fake or the earth is flat.
everyone is free to believe what they want, i want to believe that "dinosaurs aren't real" is laughable and ridiculous.
but i'm not trying to stop anyone from thinking whatever they want to think about the subject.
I don't believe in religion either. I don't believe in much. It is why I am on a conspiracy forum.
Billions of years has got you shitting kittens. In a million years time you will have evolved so that you too can shit a kitten. See how that works.
You haven't provided any argument. None, you just blindly swallow kittens.
bro i'm not even going to bother, you don't understand evolutionary mechanics to the point that you think it's a "hoax to brainwash us with evolution"... what could i possibly say to a person like you? better question... why would i bother?
we are just a grand canyon apart here and really couldn't care less about convincing you or "winning"... it's just ridiculous to me and i'm done with the conversation.
congrats on your... whatever.
have a better day.
I am not your bro. I have fully studied evolution. I have also fully researched conspiracy. Like you should before you start a conversation here.
I also don't need to reiterate it is a conspiracy. It has never been proved. Adaptation and mutation occur. As an observation. But never ever completely different species. This has been hog washed with it will take billions of years to occur. But there is no link. None has been or will be observed. If it is it has been meddled. Like Chinese pig monkeys. They died seconds later.
It is a theory not a fact you shit for brained ape.
If we went another route, like aliens being proved. Evolution was a lie.