So folks are asking why the volume of content here is fairly low...but honestly has anyone been comparing our volume to other places like /r/conspiracy and 4chan?
Every "controversial" forum is seeing a marked decrease in content, and at record levels.
For example, I just checked out /r/conspiracy/new, and on the first page (25 links) it goes back 3 hours. I don't think I've ever seen that. IOW, in the last 3 hours, there have only been 25 posts on /r/conspiracy. Sure it's Sunday morning, but lately I frequently see the front page of /new go back 2 hours even during peak time.
In addition, /pol had a thread the other day saying the volume of posts there is at a record low in the last several years.
I personally think 60-90% of the fevered activity leading up to the election (and in the aftermath) was bot activity, and they were just shut off.
But something else is happening.../r/conspiracy is eerily quieter than it's been in half a decade.
Is something coming, or did something already come?
I agree. The slide will be slow, increasingly violent, and society will degrade further until on day, we look around and say "how the fuck did we end up like Robocop's Detroit in real life"? Amusingly, there will still be plenty of people who will be just fine, as they are sitting inside the palisade. Life will become very cheap. The upside? People won't give a shit about tranny rights or SJW pabulum when they are having trouble getting enough to eat.
Now, there's no barbarians at Rome's gates who will impose a different order. That's why, at least to me, it's a bit unprecedented.