I spearheaded the /r/conspiracy Round Tables, and since my unceremonious removal from reddit, it appears the remaining /r/conspiracy mod team is uninterested in keeping the tradition alive, sadly.
Well, here at conspiracies.win we are "building back better" (lol) and we have no problem continuing the traditions that made /r/conspiracy fun.
Suggest a topic for us to dissect in a pinned thread...please limit yourself to one suggestion per comment to facilitate voting.
Emphasis should be put on the more "high octane" speculation, but the more general conspiracies are welcome too.
Happy speculating!
Re: Jesus quotes - seriously, the gospel of Thomas should be part of the canon, the only comprehendible reason for its exclusion is the power it vests in the individual, over the Church
Re: The physical universe as pure “suffering” - that’s not my interpretation. To me, the gnostic belief systems reads as a westernizing of the eastern beliefs of Buddhism and Taoism (the things existed long before the isms). In this reading, while the physical universe, and thus the demiurge, is the incarnation of “suffering”, but it is also the incarnation of “joy”. As the eastern traditions figured out long ago, one will not exist without the other. The physical exists as a stepping stone, one segment of a vast journey from the immaterial to the material and back again.