Hitler is born from a Rothschild out of Wedlock with a maid.
Mein Kampf, a supposedly "Anti-Semitic" book makes no mention of the Rothschilds.
Hitler is deliberately implemented to install military and political decisions that benefit the "Allies" and usher upon the United Nations, the state of Israel (which he approved the creation of) and to vilify patriots as "Nazi terrorists". One more boogeyman on the run.
Hitler is NOT your ally, that is exactly what the elite needs to usher upon the NWO.
Very correct, he was clearly a leftiest by every regard. The complete opposite to a conservative. That's why this propaganda is so infuriating. Except if you take over multiple nations as one nation, is it still "nationalist"? Hitler was not a nationalist because he did not stop in Germany. He tried to take over Europe as one nation. The EU is basically doing that now, but has allowed nations to keep their name. The EU is basically the Nazi compromise and is controlled by actual Nazis and Soviets.