Any REAL woke person knows White people is a target for extermination. The signs, and the obvious and clear anti-white propaganda, makes it pertinent for any non-genocidal Human, or any being with a conscience, to object, even with extreme violence, against the war-crime, because there will soon be a time when resistance is will become futile.
These rich commie (totalitarian/genocidal) Juice fuckers will have combat robots really soon, if not already?
They already have brainwashed drone soldiers, and aerial drones, so really, how can we, White people and beings with any love for the White race, fight for White people's right to exist and have White children, and White culture and White countries to survive?
BLM and "anti"-fa are just the beginning. This will get bad really fast. All the things last year will be child's play compared to what is comimng. White people prepare to meet black people who sees you as no more than an evil animal fit for extermination.
Low IQ = easy brainwashing, plus most black people hate White people, and are SUPER easy to EXTREME violence, so have fun surviving this perverse dystopian future.
Retreat to the countryside en masse. Leave the degenerate cities for the non whites and mindfucked liberals. Find like minded people and build autonomous, prosperous communities. Then beyond that I don't really know.
What we need are leaders. Trump seemed like he had potential but with nothing having happened and the numerous pro-Israel quotes he has out there, I feel like it's time to move on from that idea. If "it" happens it happens but act like it won't. Prepare yourself mentally, physically and spiritually. Start learning DIY and other useful skills. Let's see what happens.