Oh, you’ve got me all wrong. I think there’s something to learn from everyone, for better or worse. I contribute much more than you do, though of course it’s all subjective. You want this place to be completely uniform. I don’t. Keep crying, though. I’m sure someone cares.
Oh, you’ve got me all wrong. I think there’s something to learn from everyone, for better or worse. I contribute much more than you do, though of course it’s all subjective. You want this place to be completely uniform. I don’t. Keep crying, though. I’m sure someone cares.
Nah, I call it how it is.
No, you don't, lmfao. 99.9% of the people here don't give a god damn what you have to say. They see you for what you are.
No, I don't. All you have to do is look at my post/comment history.
lol, why would I be crying?
Again, are you really that miserable of a person and that devoid of reality? Wew lad, you go some introspection to do.
Yawn. Is that it?
You're not very good at this...
At what, talking to idiots? It’s a losing game from the start.
You contribute nothing except racist dogwhistkes for your ANTIFA faggot purple haired cadre.