posted ago by axolotl_peyotl ago by axolotl_peyotl +42 / -5

First off, getting the boot from the admins was one of the more liberating things for me personally...the amount of harassment, doxxing attempts, threats against my life was all reaching a fevered pitch (death threats daily).

But here's what I find fascinating and yeah, disappointing: /r/conspiracy didn't question it.

The head mod of one the largest conspiracy forums on the web was removed and banned for "violent" content and yet no example was given!

Don't you think if I had said one violent thing EVER that TMOR would be spreading the screenshot far and wide?

They didn't because I didn't.

If there were a legitimate reason for my ban, they wouldn't have to resort to the massive astroturf campaign to convince people I deserved it because I "banned a lot of people."

To the narrative-swallowers: Banning TMOR alt accounts is NOT a violation of the TOS.

Very sad to see the /r/conspiracy mod team bend over and pull down their pants. They're literally stickying misleading and inaccurate Gary Webb screenshots now. It's the biggest middle finger to the genuine conspiracy community imaginable, and it's clearly by design.

I defy my stalkers to find ONE comment I made on reddit that's in violation of the TOS.

They can't. They needed me gone so their subversion of /r/conspiracy could be fully realized. I was the last one holding the line.

After the election I put myself on the front line of the Information War. As an officer, I was probably better advised to stand behind the lines. But almost NO ONE was running out into battle, so I took the initiative. I regret nothing....it was worth being a casualty to protect the cause of conspiracy.

They've tried to memoryhole me fast, but my threads warning about the breakaway civilization, vaccines, COVID and the 2020 election will all stand the test of time.